Show I AUG 14 TO SEt COMPLETION i Of ROAD PROJECTS Basin Rejoices as Finish Of Projects Brings Realization Realization Realization Rea Rea- of Dream Near People of the Uintah Basin have cause to rejoice as the completion completion completion com com- of the two road hard surfacing surfacing surfacing sur sur- facing projects on highway 40 brings the realization of or their dreams of a n. dustless road rond from Vernal to Salt Lake City near The last fifteen mile section between between between be be- tween Fruitland and Duchesne was completed on August 2nd with ith the e. e exception of guard rails and minor details The road bedon bed bedon bedon on the ten mile strip between Roosevelt Roosevelt Ro Ro- and Fort Duchesne will be finished Saturday morning August August August Aug Aug- making an unbroken surfaced hard road from Vernal to Fruitland Two more weeks will willbe willbe be required to entirely complete the Roosevelt-Fort Roosevelt Duchesne section sec see tion but the road will be fully opened to traffic Saturday it was stated 30 SO Mile Mlle Stretch Remains There remains about thirty miles between Fruitland through the Strawberry valley to Parleys Parley's canyon which is in the Forest domain domain domain do do- main and was recently added to the Federal Aid system This section section sec sec- section tion is now being surveyed for realignment re realignment realignment re- re alignment and assurance has been given that construction work will begin just as soon as funds are area a available The W. W W. W Clyde Construction company is the contractor on the two completed competed projects and many of the local men employed were retained by the contractor for other projects according to the National Reemployment Service Other men have gradually been employed on other projects in the two counties so that no acute unemployment unemployment unemployment un un- employment situation was felt |