Show VENIRE DRAN FO FOR A AUGUST COURT TERM Cruz Murder 1 Trial N Necessitates Necessitates Calling Calling Of Fifty Jurors Because the Ule case of State of Utah vs Sip Cruz murder in the first degree appears on the August August August Aug Aug- calendar of the fourth district district district dist dist- court it was necessary to Ito summon fifty jurors to appear on Tuesday August Cruz willbe will willbe willbe be tried for the alleged killing of Joe S S. S on Anthro mountain mountain moun moun- mountain tain last June The venire as drawn on August reads Kenneth Allred Neola Wm Fieldstead Boneta James H. H Hatch Duchesne Amanda Abplanalp Abplanalp Abplanalp Roosevelt James N N. N Powell Powell Powell Pow Pow- ell Bluebell Leandrew Gilbert Arcadia David Baum Strawberry Strawberry Strawberry Straw Straw- berry John K Lemon Ioka loka Ira A. A Pace Neola William Villiam Abplanalp Abplanalp alp Utahn Evan W. W Howell Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Ro Ro- Austin M M. M Burton Talmage Talmage Talmage Tal- Tal mage A. A L. L Snyder Mt Emmons Thos Robbins ll l Alfonzo White Duchesne Mrs M. M O. O Bryce Roosevelt W. W A A. A Maxfield Maxfield Maxfield Max- Max field Altonah Leland Hair Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne L L. E. E Potter Roosevelt Ollie Duchesne Lester Gardner Neola Wm J J. J Sr Roosevelt R. R L. L Hurd Kurd Myton Myton Myton My My- ton Charles Hutcheon Neola Agustus Maas Duchesne M. M F. F Jennings Bridgeland Ida IdaM M M. Hart Duchesne Stanley Ross Arcadia Wm G. G Gentry loka oka Lionel Babcock My Myton ton Geo Potts Potts Potts Pot Pot- ts Upalco Peter Anderson Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Ro Ro- Ro- Ro John L L. Allred Jr Talmage Talmage Talmage Tal- Tal mage Bessie Albright Roosevelt John X And Anderson Bluebell Presley Presley Presley Pres Pres- ley Timothy Roos Roosevelt elt George Wathen Bluebell Harry Owens Roosevelt Oscar White tJ Utahn Emil Duchesne Elden Duncan Neola H. H H. H Blaine Elaine Myton Myton My My- ton Nephi Moon Hanna Marvel Moore Duchesne Chas Fietkau Joseph Nielson Bridgeland C. C Otto Kofford Utahn John Burgess Neola Chas Shiner Altonah Wm Lawson Lawson Lawson Law- Law son Duchesne Court convenes on Monday August for Law Daw and Motion day with the Hon Abe W. W Turner Turn Turn- er on the bench |