Show I I Make a aLong Date for C t i Sunday Long distance rates arc are reduced all day is Sunday and every night after 7 o'clock Wants MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Routes of families in Emery County Reliable hustler should start earning 25 wiZ ekly and increase increase in increase in- in crease rapidly Write today Rawleigh Raw- Raw I leigh Dept S 15 Denver Colo FOR SALE Ice refrigerator ator almost new ney holds lb Ib ice See Mrs Arthur Brown 47 FOUND One set bed rails mils for walnut bed Owner may have pane fame by describing rails and paying paying paying pay pay- ing for this ad RECORD OFFICE I Legal Advertising Notice Notice is hereby given that a public hearing on the Budget forthe forthe for lor the n fiscal cal year 1936 1917 7 of the Ducho ne County School District w will U be held at the thel Board of Education Education Education Edu Edu- cation office Duchesne Utah Tuesday June 1936 at two o'clock p p. p m. m The Tentative Budget Budget Bud Bud- get is now on file in the Clerks Clerk's office The Budget for fop 11 1937 1936 I will b bs adopted at this meeting A public h hearing will be held at p p. p m. m on the tile date mentioned mentioned mentioned men men- above to make adjustments within the 1936 1935 budget budge Duchesne County School Dist Dist- By C C. C C. C 1 Clerk Sheriffs Sheriff's Notice of Foreclosure Sale IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DUCHESNE COUNTY UTAH DUCHESNE FARM MORTGAGE MORTGAGE MORTGAGE MOR- MOR COMP COMPANY ANY A UTAH CORPORATION Plaintiff vs V AUGUSTA A. A PEACOCK JAMES LIONAKIS AND TONY Defendants To b be sold at Sheriffs Sheriff's Sale on ont t the e sixth day of July A. A D D. D 1936 at 10 o'clock A. A M. M at tho front door of the Sheriffs Office a athe atthe aC at the Court House in Duchesne City Duch Duchesne County Utah the following described property The I Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Northeast North- North east cast Quarter V NW NE NEU Sec 11 Township 1 South Range 4 West Uintah Special Meridian in Duchesne County Utah together with Indian service water rights including Certificate No 1229 of water rights and all ances Dated June Jun 3 1936 ARZY H. H MITCHELL Sheriff Date of first publication June 5 1936 Date of last publication June 26 1936 Notice To Water Tater ater Users I State Engin Engineers Engineer's rs r's Office Salt Lake City Utah May 20 1936 Notice is hereby given that Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne Irrigation C Com Company o m p pan a n y Bridgeland Utah has made Application Application Application cation in accordance with the laws of Utah to change the tile point of diversion and place of use of or 1746 sec ft of water from Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne river in Duchesne county Utah Said water has heretofore been diverted from April 1 to October 15 inclusive of each year into the Duchesne Irrigation Company's Company's Company's Com Com- pany's canal by virtue of Application Application Application cation No at a point which bears S. S 32 deg 10 min W W. ft from cor sec 35 T. T 3 S. S R R. R 4 W. W USE M M. a. a and d used to irrigate acres of land embraced embraced embraced em em- braced in parts of S NEB S NE NE NE' NE NEiSE SE SEand SE and E Ei 4 Sec Eec 35 T. T 3 S. S R. R 3 W. W USE M. M It isnow isI is isnow I now proposed to divert said Water water wa Wa- ter tel into the tile Grey Mountain canal at a point which bears N. N 68 deg 25 min mill W. W feet from tile the E EJi cor Sec 1 I T T. T 4 S. S R. R 4 W. W M M. from April 1 to Oc October 15 inclusive ve of each year and use it as a supplemental supply to ir irrigate irrigate irrigate ir- ir acres of land embraced in the SE SESE SESEU W WANES WANE'S NE 4 and W V W NW NW SEi SE Sec 10 N Ni SW 4 and i Sec 11 all in in T. T 4 S. S R. R 3 W W. W M. M This application is designated in the Ule State Engineers Engineer's Office as File No a All protests against the granting granting granting grant grant- ing of said application stating the tile reasons shall be submitted submitted submitted sub sub- in affidavit form and in duplicate accompanied by a fee of and filed in this office within 30 days after the completion ion of the publication of this notice no no- tice T. T H. H HUMPHERYS State Engineer Date of first publication June 12 1936 Date e of last publication July 10 1936 Notice To Water Vater Users State Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Lake City Utah June 8 1936 Notice is hereby given that Frank Chiarelli Chiarell Hanna Utah has made Application in accordance with the laws of or Utah to appropriate appropriate appropriate ap ap- ap- ap 3 sec ft ft of water fromN from N North rth Fork of Duchesne river in Duchesne county Utah Said water water water wa wa- ter will win be diverted from April 1 to October 31 inclusive of each year at a point which bears S S. S 40 deg 03 min E feet from the NW cor Sec 18 T. T 1 N. N R. R 8 W. W M. M and conveyed by the Rhoades dJ ditch a distance distance- of ft t. t and used to irrigate 86 acres of land embraced in parts of ot W W mv and V Se Sec 29 T. T 1 N. N Nf R. R 8 W. W M. M This application is designated in the State Engineers Engineer's Office as File No All protests against the granting grant ing tag of said application stating the reasons ther for shall b be submitted submitted submitted sub sub- in affidavit form and in duplicate accompanied a by a fee of and filed in this 1 s office within 30 days after the completion completion completion comple comple- tion of the publication of this notice T T. T H. H H HUMPHERYS State Engineer Date of first publication Jur Ju June e 12 1936 Date of last publication July 10 1936 Professional Cards H. H B. B HOLLENBECK Not Notary Public North of County Court House Duchesne Utah 00 ROY iDOY l' l A. A Registered Mortician Duchesne Utah L. L A A. A HOLLENBECK Law Attorney-at-Law Duchesne Utah J I. I I. I 1 l I I kI 11 Look Ji 1 Lets Let's Co CoTo k ka To Sa t a 0 The Newhouse Hotel is featuring special low tow rates which we can afford Lets g go to Salt Lake Lae City during the week weekend We can have a most enjoyable time and look breakfast will be served in our room Sunday morning at no additional cost 1 The t e Hotel Famous J I For r r If Hospitality and l rood Good F Io Food od RATES KATES SIRS MRS J J. J IL WATERS VATERS Sin Single lc 2 to 4 President Double i to W. W E. E SUTTON all With Oath Bath Manager |