Show tie i f. f UINTAH BASIN RECORD DUCHESNE UTAH UINTAH AH BASIN RECORD PU PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT Al DUCHESNE UTAH no Roy A. A Publisher er and Editor ADVERTISING RATES Entered as second-class second matter I Display Advertising Ad May 26 1922 at the Postoffice at Flat Rate Rate- For Plates Per Agate Duchesne Utah under the act ot of Line Lne 2 c. c. c March 3 1879 Per Column Inch Classified and Reading Notices For Sale For Rent Van Wanted ted Lost SUBSCRIPTION RATES HATES and Found Miscellaneous lOc per perline perline Three a Months 7 75 line first i insertion ins per line for each succeeding issue minimum Six Months charge I One Year 1 Home Comers Corners I ENEM z I Ai O Oy Ti's M E y ED OV r 11 U ME i EO 1 ry sEE IF SHE f G orrl v t is-t T j t ti F 1 ti Ni 4 t i 1 I |