Show CHILD ESCAPES SERIOUS INJURY IN EXPLOSION I Howard Moffitt six sic year old son of Mrs Fern T. T Moffitt Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne Co County Recorder es escaped escaped ped p- p ed with superficial burns about the face and head Monday when a lighted match thrown into a gasoline storage tank caused an explosion sion The little boy and several of his Ws chums were were playing around the Baker service station which has been closed for some time Howard threw a lighted match into one of the storage tanks An explosion resulted and flames shot nearly ten feet Into the air witnesses witnesses witnesses wit wit- nesses said Little damage to the property was reported and Howard Howard Howard How How- ard although loosing his eyebrows eyebrows eyebrows eye eye- brows and part of his hair was not seriously burned He was taken at once to Dr L. L H. H Cline CUne I who said the boys face would not be scarred |