Show n ANNOUNCE 4 H CLUB CONTESTS CONTEST Mr D D. P P. P Murray state boys boys' and girls' girls club specialist announces ces the following H 4 club contests contests contests con con- tests for the State of Utah Any bonafide H 4 club member working workIng work work- Ing under the supervision of the Extension Service during the club year of 1935 it eligible to com com- pete In the National H 4 Club Farm Accounting contest prizes are offered offered offered of of- for the kept best farm business business business bus bus- iness records in 1935 The record is to contain a complete inventory in- in Inventory Inventory In In- of all farm possessions a record of money received and paid I during the year A county prize of 10 will be awarded in each coun coun- ty The state prize will give the winner a McCormick McCormick-Deering pound capacity cream separator The winner of the Western Vestern States will be given a McCormick Deer ing double unit complete with 70 pound pail The national grand prize will give the choice of ofa ofa ofa a De McCormick McCormick-Deering ring 12 Tractor or International ton half-ton truck The second contest Is a National Nation Nation- al H 4 Club Meat Animal Livestock Livestock Livestock Live Live- stock Project Any club member who Is enrolled In one or more meat animal livestock clubs baby beef purebred beef animal market market market mar mar- ket hog breeding hog market sheep or breeding sheep during the year is eligible to compete The county prize will consist or a handsome gold filled medal of honor A state prize of a jewel 17 gold watch valued at 50 will be given to the winner vinner The sectional winner vinner will receive a free trip rip to th Fourteenth National H 4 Club Congress to be held at Chicago late next fall The grand national prize will give the three winners Agricultural College scholarships For further information get in touch with your county agent or orthe orthe orthe the Extension Service at Logan |