Show Legislature ture Faces Huge Task In last Ten Days Fifth District Representatives Divide Votes On Important Measures B By U. U S. S P. P A A. A Service Senico Members of tho the twenty-first twenty Utah Legislature have completed another th the seventh week of ot lawmaking efforts with the bulk of major legislation still on the session books as unfinished busi busi- ness Ten officially allowed days re remained remained remained re- re Monday of the 60 allotted to the current session Stopping the legislative clock a resort often made use of to give additional additional additional addit addit- ional lawmaking la time Ume may add another one two or three days In this short time such import all ant matters as a state liquor control control control con con- law personal income and corporation corporation corporation cor cor- franchise taxes social relief relief relief re re- re- re lief and appropriations must be thrashed out by the assembled law lawmakers makers Liquor Question Speeded The liquor question is expected to be solved in comparatively speedy fashion through passage by bythe bythe bythe the senate and concurrence by the house of a compromise state stores stor stor- es bill with the finished product providing for state stores and byi by- by i the drink sales In licensed hotels restaurants and clubs A f fi few i other changes In the house adopt ed measure will likely see the committee committee committee com com- of 49 proposals agreed upon in practically their entirety The end of the seventh week found house and senate deadlocked deadlock deadlock- ed on personal income and corporation corporation corporation corpor corpor- franchise taxes Neither side midst verbal fireworks would recede from Its position on property tax offsets and exemptions exemptions exempt exempt- ions in the individual income tax measure and the offsets in the corporation income tax bill Concessions Concessions Concessions Con Con- cessions must be made by one house or the other if either bill bUl Is Isto Isto isto to be passed Otherwise there can be no income tax changes Speedy passage by both branches branch branch- es of a bill enabling the state to reap advantage of bond refunding suggestions made by Governor Henry H H. H Blood will doubtless re result result result re- re sult in ill increased appropriations for tor various vario governmental departments departments departments depart depart- ments as it means in an- an revenue without resort to more taxes Water Vater Measures Passed Legislators were also quick in Joint enactment of several measures measures measures meas meas- ures clarifying the water question Enactment of these clear th the way for cities to p participate in in reclamation reclamation reclamation projects enabling Salt Lake City in particular to take part in inthe inthe the proposed Deer Utah Creek-Utah Lake water project The bills passed both branches after after after af af- ter Governor Blood had urged their speedy adoption Important but controversial measures passed by the house included included included in in- in- in the talked of bill changing the present workmen's compensation act and another levying a tax of 4 cents per 1000 cubic feet on natural gas delivered and used in Utah Agriculturists won marked victories in the house through passage of bills abolishing abolishing abolish abolish- ing the tax on common and contract contract con- con tract carriers on public highways and a new produce dealers' dealers license license lic lic- ense bill bUt All AU of these measures amending in in the senate The senate took final action last week wee on 39 measures passing 33 bills two house bills and andone andone andone one senate joint memorial It killed killed kill lellI- ed one senate bill bilI one house billand bill billand billand and one senate joint resolution Bills passed w were re S. S B B. B 33 to 51 inclusive state bar association bills having to do with court pro- pro for conducting primary elections S S. B. B approving and confirming bonds and other obligations obligations heretofore issued by the tile public bodies of Utah for public works projects S. S B B. B authorizing authorizing authorizing auth auth- the governor to deed to the Ule federal government lands landa in inthe inthe inthe the bed or on the Ule margin of Utah Lake S S. S B B. B validating contracts contracts contracts con con- tracts between water user users users' associations asso asso- and the federal government government government govern govern- ment for reclamation projects S. S B. B relating to underground waters S S. B B. B permitting the state engineer to initiate actions in the courts of other states or the tho United States courts S. S B B. B providing for agreements bet between the state engineer and the thc U U. U S. S Geological Survey SUr for cooperative investigation and survey surrey of ot under under- Continued on Page Pago 8 y t State Legislature Faces Huge Hue Task Continued From Page 1 ground water supplies and appropriating appropriating appropriating for the work S. S B. B creating a new committee of nine S. S B B. B permitting a representative descendant of a Utah volunteer from the Ladies' Ladies G G. A A. A R R. to attend the national G G. G A. A R R. encampments S. S B. B 96 permitting unequal assessments against water shares S. S B. B 99 permitting the state land board to sell farm land acquired under foreclosure at appraisal price and g giving ving mortgage debtor preference preference prefer prefer- ence right for 30 days S. S B. B 92 providing for use of surplus sales tax for deficiencies in state district district dis dis- school fund and state equalization equalization equalization equal equal- and general funds S. S B. B permitting the state land board to pay the necessary costs of maintaining state owned property property property pro pro- perty S. S B B. B permitting the state land board to sell without mineral reservation lands acquired acquired acquired ac ac- ac- ac by foreclosure H. H B. B relating to reversion of water to the public by abandonment or failure to use The memorial passed passed passed pass pass- ed was S. S J. J M. M 1 I urging the sale of Piute Central Utah and Carbon Carbon Carbon Car Car- bon water land and power company company company com com- pany projects The joint resolution resolution resolution tion killed was S. S J J. J R. R 7 amending amending amending amend amend- ing the state constitution to provide provide provide pro pro- vide for appointment of ot supreme court and court judges The senate bill killed was S. S B B. B 68 creating a legislative bureau and the defeated house bill was wasH H H. H B. B extending the time in which 1935 auto licenses could be secured to 30 days House Passes 13 IS Bills The lower house passed nine house bills and four senate bills and defeated one house bill Bills passed were H. H B. B the water reversion measure H. H B B. B 24 the new produce dealers' dealers license bill protecting farmers farmers in selling produce produce produce pro pro- duce H. H B B. B 62 increasing premium premium premium prem prem- ium taxes paid by insurance companies companies companies com com- from one and one-half one per percent percent percent cent to four per cent with a two and one-half one per cent tax in cases cases cases cas cas- es where 30 per cent of the com com- pany assets are invested in m Utah H H. B. B 16 the gas taxing measure I I H. H B B. B fixing a three man road commission H. H B B. B prohibiting prohibit prohibit- ing a member of the road com commission commission commis commis- ils- ils sion being an officio ex-officio member of the commission H. H B B. B 77 the truck licensing bill H. H B B. B 4 rewriting rewriting rewriting re re- re- re writing the workmen's compensation tion act to include occupational diseases as compensatory and give the state sole authority to write industrial insurance S. S B B. B 1 the corporation franchise tax bill much amended S. S B B. B 88 the in individual individual individual in- in income tax bill also considerably considerably considerably con con- amended S. S B B. B authorizing authorizing authorizing au au- au- au the issuance of refund refund- ing bonds per the governors governor's tax saving suggestion and S. S B. B a water bill H. H B. B extending time of securing auto licenses was passed in the house but killed inthe inthe in inthe the senate H. H B B. B 89 extending the various powers of the state board of was defeated Senator Hyrum B B. B Calder of Vernal voted yes on all measures acted upon finally in the upper house last week excepting H. H B B. B and S. S J. J R R. R 7 both defeated He was absent and not voting on onS on S. S B B. B Representative Daniel F. F Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mit Mit- chell of Roosevelt voted yes on all measures given final action in the house excepting H. H B. B 24 21 and 29 He was absent and not voting on these bills Representative Geo A. A voted yes on all aU house measures excepting H. H B B. B 4 16 and 77 He voted no on these bills |