Show MYTON B By Mrs James Dalgleish Miss lone Bird left Friday y for fora a week end in Salt Lake City She was accompanied by her sister who had spent the week end in My Myton ton Mrs Roland Krebs returned to Salt Lake on Tuesday after a short visit with Mr Krebs The Sunday night club met with Mr and Mrs Paul Henderson with the following members present Mr and Mrs R R. R C C. C Walker Valker Mr and Mrs Marcus Tingley Mr and Mrs James Dalgleish High score score prize was awarded to Mr and Mrs Tingley The Chamber of Commerce held their regular meeting in th I I. I O. O 0 O. O F. F Hall on March 1st A large membership was in attendance and many subjects relative to My Myton ton and vicinity were discussed The organization seems to ro be stirring up a lot of Interest in My Dayton's tons ton's civic questions Mr Lavar Peterson motored to Salt Lake Sunday evening He was accompanied by Miss Crystal Hansen Honsen Miss Mary fary and Miss Nona Mr John Martin returned Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day from Salt Lake where he had spent the week The P. P T. T A. A has been planning a special event for their regular meeting next Monday evening It will vill be a St. St Patricks Patrick's party with prizes and good music to mal make e an enjoyable evening Mrs R R. R C. C Walker Valker and Mrs James Dalgleish motored to Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne on Thursday to visit friends Mr and Mrs Owen Paine were visiting relatives in Myton the past week end Mr Paine is lo located located located lo- lo at Castle Costlo Dale working with the State Road I |