Show STABBING CASE GASE DISMISSED IN N JUSTICE I COURT J Plea Of Self-Defense Self Supported Supported Sup Sup- 0 ported By Defense Vi Witnesses I am new as a Justice of the Peace and I am not a 1 lawyer but my conscience tells me we should turn him loose with these simple words Precinct Justice Chester Lyman Saturday brought to a close the hearing of the State o of Utah vs Glen Goff 19 charged with assault with a deadly deadly deadly dead dead- ly weapon The charge was the result of a stabbing affray In which Go Goff admittedly admittedly ad ad- stabbed George Gcorge Marett 18 son Bon of ot Mr and Mrs Marvel Marett critically wounding him on Sunday Feb Self Defense During the hearing Goff who entered a plea of self defense introduced introduced introduced in in- through his attorney B. B W. W Dalton of Price several witnesses witnesses witnesses wit wit- nesses who testified that he hc had constantly tried to avoid trouble with the Marett boys who had made mode previous attempts to coax him In into o a fight and that at the time of the stabbing Goff had turned away and said to his companion companion companion com com- panion Curtis Bryner lets go home when hen Marett attacked him Goff ff In his own wn defense testified testified fied that he had tried to avoid trouble even inviting the city I marshall Earl Jensen on Saturday Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day to Interview Inter the the- Maretts Maretta with him in hopes that further trouble could be avoided He testified that the knife used in the stabbing was an innocent pocket knife he had carried for over a year that it was not open in his pocket before before before be be- fore the affair and that he only used It II through fear when attacked attacked attacked at at- tacked by Marett who outweighed him 40 pounds and who was accompanied accompanied accompanied ac ac- companied by two brothers a hat halt brother and a friend The affair happened In front of the Marett home on a vacant lot when Goff was by the Marett boys while taking a short shortcut shortcut shortcut cut to his home from town Curtis Curtis Curtis Cur Cur- Bryner an acquaintance was accompanying Goff home at Goffs Goff's s 's request but did not enter into the fighting District attorney Dal Young of Vernal and county attorney Charles of Roosevelt represented the state at the hearing hear hear- ing Marvel Marret father of the injured youth entered the com com- plaint Marett Recovering erin George Marett whose life wai WM in danger for some time from the loss of blood was given an Infusion infusion infusion sion by the two local physicians and is now convalescing and out of danger The Thc hearing which was held inthe in inthe inthe the Legion Chateau at Duchesne because of some remodeling in the court room preparatory to the tho spring term of court started about 1100 a. a m. m A noon recess was called and the hearing then took up most of the balance of the day the decision being rendered rendered rendered ren ren- dered at The room was packed to overflowing during the afternoon many of ot the spectators being forced to stand in the small anteroom and several stood outside outside outside out out- side listening in at the windows Bad feelings and the resultant quarreling which have existed for some time between the boys bos who arc are close neighbors was held responsible responsible responsible res res- res- res for the affair atair |