Show i That Gambling Den Called Caned Wall all Street Is Diseased Appendix Which Must Come Out Outi i Probing of the big business and financial magnates by the Senate investigating committee has brought out more and more rot tenness One of the worst features features fea lea tures about the whole situation is that the leaders are absolutely un- un regenerate They dont don't want to Improve they improve they insist that they have done nothing wrong and that their ways are above reproach Here is another case where the discovery of the culprits has been so long delayed that the money is ia all gone At least so much of it itIs itIs itis Is gone that the losses of the public public public pub pub- lic run Into many billions There was a loss of three billions on the stock of the National City Bank of New York alone Officers of that bank coolly told the Senators that in addition to their salaries of a year they enjoyed extra splits on stock schemes Charles E. E Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mit Mit- chell got nearly inside of three years ears as his share and others on the inside got smaller slices Some of this stock was jacked I up to as high as a share during during during dur dur- ing the boom and it t has now dropped dropped dropped drop drop- ped to below 40 A lot of the stock was sold to employees of the bank and in some cases these employees after making many payments still have more to pay than they could buy the stock for forin forin forin in the open market today Great loans in the banks bank's money were handed over to the officers without without with with- out interest so they could carry carryon on speculation Officers In order to avoid payment payment payment pay pay- ment of income tax sold their stock to members of their own family at a loss and then bought It back again Rights or options options options op op- op- op were handed out to favored ones which entitled them to buy I stock for only a share when the public was paying over j I I for it Senator George W. W Norris the Ule veteran Nebraska hitter hard-hitter exhibited exhIbited ex ex- huge charts to the Senate showing the accursed system of interlocking directorates by which the big corporations are all controlled from a central point point- that point being the Morgan banking banking bank bank- ing interest Senator Norris PICtured pictured PIC- PIC Wall street as os a gigantic spider with its webs reaching out outto outto outto to dif different erent big corporations but if the whole list was included it would run Into the thousands he said Among the corporations he listed by name were such as Adams Express American Can American Radiator American Tel Tel Bethlehem Steel Chrysler lu Pont General Electric General Gener Gener- al Motors Goodyear A. A P. P International International In In- Harvester Metropolitan tan Life National Cash Register National Biscuit National Broadcasting Broad Broad- casting Otis Elevator Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsyl Pennsyl- vania and other railroads Prudential Prudential Prudential Pruden Pruden- Insurance Radio Corp Standard Standard Standard Stan Stan- dard Brands Standard Oil on U. U U S. S Steel Westinghouse Western Union Union Un Un- ion White Rock and some of the big mall mail order chain concerns The The Pathfinder |