Show BACK TO WOODS MOVE PRESSED PRESS BY ROOSEVELT T President Is Ig Now Ready To Launch Huge Hugo Employment And Farm Aid Program V WASHINGTON ASHINGTON March 15 15 President Roosevelt tonight was ready to launch his II back to the woods program for of the nations nation's jobless and at the same time move to aid the farmers hit by hard times and low pric prices s. s This program was summed up by friends of the president simply to mean I 1 The putting of people to work as soon as possible 2 An effort to increase without without with with- o out t del delay y the value of agriculture I I j I I i I I al products It It was stated that Mr Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt probably would send his unI unemployment un- un employment relief recommendations I to congress tomorrow In hope of early action He was represented as feeling that two items were I in the category of constructive construe I I tive legislation and therefore of first importance I II I The details as to the financing I I of the unemployment relief scheme V were worked out during the day dayi in White House conferences it wasI was reported No specific information on about the two schemes could be learned I Mr Roosevelt it was understood understood understood under under- stood leaned to the proposal that unexpended treasury balances be be drawn upon to help the plan into operation These funds would supplement supplement sup sup- J the bond issue is- is is j sue that he will ask for in his his m message i Senator Robert F. F Wagner D. D I I IN N. N Y was of the opinion that a aI I bond issue was necessary necessary I essary if the administration was I to make real headway to relieve I i I distress I Mr Roosevelt's plan calls for recruiting of unemployment in all I I parts of the country and putting them to wor work on reforestation I They would live in camps He I believes the initial cost would some some day be returned to taxpayers ers through sale of timber Only persons now receiving state and municipal aid would be beI I I taken As to farm relief the president I was said to believe that it should come at least by April or its us advantages advantages advantages ad ad- vantages for this year would be I lost He was reported to be aux aux- ious that it be available in time for spring planting I While advisors of Mr Roosvelt I were reticent concerning the farm relief plan it was asserted in authoritative authoritative au au- au- au quarters to embrace I proposals for abandonment of mar marI marginal I I ginal or unproductive farm land I and a sizeable reduction in tillable acreage j I Although Mr Roosevelt devoted r much of his day to these two phases of his program for a new I I deal he took time to review with Norman H. H Davis chief of ot the American American delegation to the Geneva Geneva Geneva Gen Gen- eva conference the latest development development development develop develop- ment in arms reduction The president also saw Vice Ad Ad- I I miral Asani of the Japanese Japan Japan- ese navy chief Japanese delegate to the conference It was explained explain explain- ed it was a courtesy visit only For the first time since he entered entered en en- the White House the president president dent went sightseeing |