Show What To Plant For Ha Hay While Alfalfa Matures 1 Week Veel before last we presented for your our consideration a letter from Salt Lake county dealing with problems of alfalfa hay pro pro- Last week we presented present present- ed a letter offering oftering a solution to those problems and this week weare we weare are arc presenting a letter later which outlines outlines outlines out out- lines an emergency hay hay crop which may be grown while farmers farmers farmers farm farm- ers are getting their hay fields back to a productive stage u ajo r tI I I The letter follows Dear Sir If you are in need of a hay crop other otter than alfalfa grow a substitute substitute tute hay crop Some of these crops which have proven successful success success- ful in Utah arc are 1 A mixture of field peas and oats Sow one bushel of clean oats and one bushel of peas per acre seeding the oats at right angles to the direction in which the peas were planted To make the peas grow vigorously vigorously vigorously vigor vigor- irrigate the field one time more than you would if the oats were planted alone Cut the mixture mixture mixture mix mix- ture for hay when hen the oats are in the dough stage and the young I peas well veIl formed and good This will provide an abundance of I good nutritious grainy hay 2 A mixture of wheat and rye II mal makes s a good hay 3 Sudan grass makes a good hay when properly handled It should be planted in a well pr pre prepared prepared pre pre- pared seed bed when danger from frost is over at the rate of about I 21 24 pounds per acre The hay should be cut when the grass has reached the height of about three feet At this time It has a lot of leaves and the stems are not too course Care must be taken not to feed frozen grass as the freezing deI develops develops de de- de- de an acid in the plant which I Is poisonous to farm animals I 4 Soy Soy beans eans and vetch ar are u used d lor for nay in many parts pares 01 of me LAC country but until we know what they will do in Utah it is not recommended recommended recommended rec rec- that any large acreage be he planted Substitute feeds such as recommended above will help helpin in making malting your alfalfa hay go farther and thus help to solve your feed problems Vours very truly V. V L. L Martineau County agent of Salt Lake County We Ve have further to suggest that corn grown for silage and placed in a trench silo will replace a third of the alfalfa hay in the ration ra ra- tion County Extension Agent |