Show THE BUSINESS HEADLIGHT By L. L A. A Hollenbeck Capitalism has not fallen down Be assured of that There is noU nothing ng perfect under the sun except the course of nature and that is perfect because of its imperfections imperfections im im- perfections for imperfection means progress while perfection implies rest stagnation and de- de j i cay When a man manages m his own business he makes more errors errors errors er er- er- er and mistakes than he makes correct conclusions His mistakes teach him his lessons He Is learning something The same is true of a nation A congress doesn't know ev everything It is ambItions ambitions ambitions ambi ambI- composed of men whose are largely local and selfish Congress and the results of legislation legislation legislation legis legis- lation that should not have been made are object lessons for ec economists economists economists ec- ec and for the country There can be no doubt that foolish legislation is the main cause of our present troubles There is plenty of strife in congress con con- gress more gress-more more than usual Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting Conflict Conflict- ing ideas cross cut the selfish purposes and visionary idealists with impracticable theories and anda a sounder lot who are trying to remedy the errors of the past by practical methods that conform to sound common sense and among the latter are those that want to save their faces because of the errors of the past and are trying to cover up the past by some other method short of admitting the follies of the past Therefore In the coming election it becomes to have new men and a clean slate Men who are not tied to past errors and mistakes Men who can act without being embarrassed with the graft and follies of the past Men of high intelligence who have practical sense and are determined to place this nation on a better plane where its business conforms to the natural laws of trade where natural law and business join hands from from special privileges privileges privileges and graft That is what we want There is nothing wrong with capitalism The abuse of capitalIsm capital- capital Ism brings the socialists and communists communists communists com com- to the fore yes and the anarchists Those groups are the extremists A republic and capitalism cap cap- capitalism capitalism without its extreme abuses which can be avoided make for balance equal- equal and poise that are necessary necessary necessary sary in all aU human existence and prosperity Look at Mayor Hoan of Milwaukee The socialists are proud of him The capitalists have more cause to be proud of him than the socialist have Hoan has made a success of capitalism by honesty by economy and by common sense methods That is isn't isn't isn't is- is nt a feather In the socialist cap It is a feather in th the capitalist cap What we want is to cut out special privilege privilege like like the high tari tariff f and other graft and restore business so that it will conform to natural laws of trade and the country will be all right ConformIty Conformity Conformity Con Con- to natural laws will cure most anything And economics is no exception n I |