Show r 14 t 1 I f. f r t PONT DONT THROW T OW I IT ITIN 7 T V 2 IN f. f t t 5 4 d t I 1 I V c d 9 I L i I t TrA 4 JL 1 era ar e I t f r i ti i I AL r i I Bar Bargain aln and Corruption r z F f. k f N W or I I S Keep Cool cu 3 r He Kept Us Out of Wart Warl t 4 By ELMO SCOTT WATSON OW that the Presidential campaign isN Is IsN N beginning to warm up tile the sloganeers will soon be busy Inventing apt and easl remembered remembered easily catchwords with which to charm the car ear of the voter otero e Already senatorial groups In both parties have hao chosen from those submitted submitted submitted sub sub- in a recent contest mottoes which they hope will advance the cause of ot their the standard the Democrats with their haw lies 1 Were We're coming back 1 and the Republicans Republicans Heans with their Prosperity Is Returning Returning Returning-Don't Don't Dont Throw It in Reverse 1 And already there are dissenting opinions to the value alue of both slogans both of ot which have been characterized as unimpassioned tin un impassioned uninspired and uninspiring So It would seem that theres there's still a n chance to coin coina a phrase which will play Its part in electing our next President and If we may judge by past history that slogan may be brought Into being at the most unexpected time and under the most unexpected any time between now and November 8 How potent a n slogan may be In winning for tor fora tora a Presidential candidate and also for losing one I 1 Is easily seen b by an examination of American American Amerlean Amer Amer- ican lean political cal history The first effective use of ot th the campaign slogan was away back In 1800 when the Republican party which later became the Democratic raised the cry of ot Equal rights for tor all special privileges for none 1 In protest against the aristocratic tendencies of ot the Fed party and swept Thomas rhomas Jefferson Into office over oer John Adams who was a candidate for tor re Then followed 24 years of ot rule by the Virginia Virginia Vir ginia dynasty dynasty Jefferson Jefferson Madison and Monroe and and the Federalist party disappeared from tho the scene leaving only the tho Republicans who now called themselves Democrats with various factions factions factions fac fac- within the party In 1824 there were four tour outstanding candidates John candIdates John Quincy Adams Monroes Monroe's secretary of ot state William Crawford his bis secretary of ot the treasury treasur Henry Clay a member of ot the house of ot representatives es and Andrew Jackson a member of the senate In the election Jackson led In both th the popular and the elec electoral oral vote but did not have o a ma ma- So the election was thrown Into the house of ot representatives es and there Clay threw his support to Adams resulting In his election When tho the new President Adams offered Clay the post of ot secretary of ot state Jackson adherents raised the cry of ot Bargain and Corruption I They kept that slogan warm for four years rears and andIn andIn andin In the election of ot 1823 1828 It helped Jackson defeat Adams and sent him to the White Whito House there thereto to stay for tor eight years ears In the meantime the Whig party parts had been formed but Its strength In the 1832 campaign was divided dl and Jackson again gain was an easy winner When Old Hickory was through with being President he be passed his mantle along to his secretary of ot state Martin Van who was elected In 1836 1830 over o four tour Whig candidates on one of ot them William Henry Harrison Then came the famous campaign of ot 1840 when a slogan very definitely won an nn election This time one of ot the defeated Whig candidates of ot the previous el election elec elec- Cc tion was swept Into office ounce on a platform of slogans slogans slogans gans and songs Bongs Affairs had gone badly for tor Van Buren during his four tour years They TIley had been four years rs of ot continued executive autocracy of ot undiminished official partisanship of ot increasingly violent Interference In In- with the fiscal s system stem of ot the nation of ot unrelenting administrative c abuse of ot power There had been a panic and Van Yan Buren was proposing proposing proposing pro pro- posing measures s. s which ml might ht upset the financial l stability of ot the nation Then too this dent flent wh who was supposed to be an upholder of ot democratic ideals had become considerable of an aristocrat So when the Whigs nominated the t type pe of or man that Andrew Jackson had once been been been-a a frontiersman frontiers frontiers- man an In Indian ian fighter and a mill military tar hero tIle the nation was lead ready to turn to state It paradoxically paradoxIcally paradoxically paradox paradox- from a Democrat who was an aristocrat to a Whig who was a democrat Unwittingly a aDer Der Democratic newspaper gave the Whig candidate the greatest boost It could possibly have given him Sneering at his intellectual caliber which admittedly was small It said Give him a barrel of ot cider In a log cabin the remainder of ot his life Ufe I And what a godsend that was to the Whigs 1 Immediately the log lob l g cabin and the hard cl cider er barrel became their symbols and Harrisons Harrison's In In- fighting dian-fighting record furnished them the ringing war cry of Tippecanoe and Tyler Too 1 Just for good measure they threw In a few pointed remarks at Van Buren such as Van Van Yan Is 19 a Used Up Man and With Tip and Tyler Well We'll I Bust Dust Vans Van's Biter Biler They also anticipated the full dinner pall pail appeal to the voter with Vans Policy Fifty Cents a Day and French Soup Our Policy Two Dollars a Day and Roast Beef Deef Four years ears later the campaign witnessed not only the appearance of the first dark horse in ina ina ina a Presidential campaign but also another telling slogan The dark horse was James K Polk of Tennessee and the slogan was Four Fifty Fort Forty or Fight 1 At that time the United States was Involved In two disputes one with Mexico over oyer Texas and the other with Great Britain over the Oregon countr country The Democrats Democrat's stood for reoccupation reoccupation reoccupation re occupation of the Oregon country and re tion Uon of Texas The Four Fifty Four Forty or Fight represented the northern boun boundary ary line Une which the United States demanded demanded 54 54 degrees 40 10 minutes minutes minutes min min- utes north latitude What we actually got and not by fighting either but by arbitration was 49 40 degrees So the slogan dl didn't nt mean so much after the election but It did play a n vital part In deciding the election In Polk's Folks f favor or as did the slogan Polk and Texas Cla Clay and No Texas In regard to the Texas question In the war with Mexico which followed so soon after Polk's Folks election one of our victorious generals generals gen gen- crabs was Zachary Zachar Taylor and from an Incident ent entIn In the battle of Buena uena Vista came a slogan which helped elect Taylor President in 1848 It was the famous A little more grape Captain Bragg Dragg which struck the popular fancy as being Just what a great n military commander would sa say under the circumstances What he actually did say sayan on that occasion was the laconic Give em era hell i But that didn't matter so much as the fact that the combination of the grape slogan and his popular nickname of Old Rough and Ready so reminiscent of ot Old Hickory and Old Tippecanoe had much the same appeal as the Jackson combination and U the e Harrison combInation combination combination com com- of ot slogan and nickname In the same year was born a slogan that crystallized crys crys- In popular phraseology the most fateful movement In American history It was Free Soil Soli Free Speech Free Labor and Free Men len taken from a n plank In the platform of the Free Soil party of 18 the forerunner of ot the Republican Republican lican Hean party that nominated and elected Abraham Lincoln in 1860 1800 The stirring campaign of ot was fruitful In slogans as It was one of the bitterest bitterest bitterest bit bit- terest In our history Among them were Millions Mil MH Millions lions for Freedom Not Kot One Cent for Slavery Intervention Inter Is Disunion Popular SoY Sovereignty and National Union Free Homes for Free FreeMen FreeMen Men Ien The Constitution and the Union Now and Forever Let Libert Liberty Be De National and Slavery Sla Sectional and scores of others on both sides shIes of the slavery controversy contro In similar appealing appealing appealing ap ap- pealing strains Numerous catch phrases were woven about the tha title Old Abe and The liThe Rail Rail- splitter and Lincoln himself set current a anum nun num number ber of dignified political maxims that were adopted as slogans by the orators such as A AHouse AHouse House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand and Slavery ery Is a Moral Social and Political Wrong Grants Grant's famous Let Us Have Hae Peace was used to good advantage as a slogan In electing the theMan theMan Man ran from Appomattox but the corruption which marked his two a administrations provided the Democratic opponents of his successor Hayes with the best possible type of slogan So Tilden Tilden Tilden Til den and Reform echoed throughout the campaign campaign cam cam- in 1876 1870 as a powerful po rallying cr cry for the Democrats By all the rules of slogan logic the it bre brevity and the force of that slogan should have won for Tilden but election boards and an electoral commission decided otherwise e. e In the campaign of 1854 there was a case ease of ot history repeating Itself in that Just as In the case of Harrison and the Whigs in 1840 Cleveland Cleveland Cleve re land and the Democrats profited ted by a blunder made by the opposition In that year Blaino was tIle the Republican candidate and his Presidential Presidential aspirations were favored ored by his bis nicknames nicknames nicknames nick nick- names of ot the Plumed Knight ht and the Rupert of Debate as well as by the tuneful quality of ot the rallying cry of Elaine Blaine Blaine Blaine of Maine These were offset however somewhat b by Nosey Blaine The Tattooed Man and Jim JIm the Penman the latter referring to the tIle famous famous famous fa fa- fa- fa Mulligan Letters But nut the fatal blow to his chances was struck when an enthusiastic Elaine Blaine supporter Rev Rcy II R. B. B declared In a speech that all conscientious conscientious conscientious con con- Americans should vote tIle the Republican Republican lican Bean ticket because the Democrats Democrat's stood for Rum Romanism and Rebellion Blaine was present at the time but did not hear him distinctly distinctly dis dis- dis- dis enough to realize the gross error and to repudiate this slur upon U the religious religions belief bellet of millions of Americans So the tho slogan which the Republicans had attempted to tack on the Democrats proved pro to be a boomerang and aided In defeating their candidate Cleveland's first campaign n contributed The TheMan TheMan TheMan Man of ot Destiny and Tell the Truth too to the slogan stock both of which had a strong appeal to the theoter voters oter The tariff campaigns were prolific with slogans among the most telling ones were Protection and Prosperity Free Trade and Pauperized Labor and Free Trade and the Destruction of ot American Industries which the practical Mark Nark MarkHanna MarkHanna Hanna b boiled down Into the vote getting slogan of The Full Dinner Pail Pall William Jennings Bryan who Is associated In Inmost Inmost Inmost most Americans' Americans memory with Cla Clay Tilden and Elaine Blaine as men who Just missed the Presidency ency had a strong slogan strong slogan strong In Its brevity Ity and Its It's capability of being easily easBy remembered remembered-In in his Sixteen to One But Dut It wasn't strong enough to win the election for him the first time he tried and he never ne-er was able to get another which brought him nn any nearer nearer to to the White House Sometimes a n slogan will have a kick back after aeter It has bias accomplished Its purpose There Is no doubt but that lIe He Kept Us Out of War helped elect re-elect Woodrow Wilson In 1010 1910 An Anthen And then fate decreed that with six months after his bis election electron we should be in and not out of ot war Too Proud to Fight was another phrase that haunted him As for the slogans of at recent years thc they are too familiar to most of or us to fo need much comment weary War-weary America turned Back nack to Normalcy Nor with Warren G. G Harding In 19 1020 1920 0 In 1921 1924 when the tho Democrats hoped that It was restless under Republican misrule and hot for a n change they learned that It had decided fo 10 Keep Cool With Coolidge Instead of at vote ote for Better Days With Davis In 19 1928 1325 8 the Democrats wearing a abrown abrown abrown brown derby and singing TIle The Sidewalks of New NewYork NewYork NewYork York asked America to remember Its Us Eight Years of Wall Street un and to Give Main laIn Street Streeta a Chance But instead of ot heeding this advice nd America voted for Hoover and Prosperity What s slogans America will be repeating this year cur will depend upon who Is nominated at the two conventions In Chicago next June an and which will be the better of the two slogans will be decided de de- tided cl e at the polls In November Q by Western Newspaper Union |