Show A PROCLAMATION Whereas the week of March 6 G to 12 inclusive is proclaimed by bythe bythe bythe the National Federation of Business Business Business Busi Busi- ness and Professional Women's Clubs Inc of which the tile local club is a chapter as Business Yom Women's ens en's Week Veele to call attention to the achievements of women in the business and professional world and their sincere desire to give the best that is in them to advance and promote community projects along educational and welfare lines that will assist in establishing establish establish- I ing a better civilization I Now Therefore I G. G C C. Kohl I Mayor of of- Duchesne Utah do hereby hereby here here- by proclaim the week beginning ng March 6 G as Business Yom Women's ens en's Week and recommend to the citizens citizens citizens citi citi- zens of oC Duchesne proper observance observance observance ance of such period In Testimony Whereof I have caused the seal of said city to be hereunto affixed this day of March 1932 G. G C C. C KOHL Mayor |