Show 1 successful riveting of china riveting china Is an extremely dif moult and delicate dollci ito operation and on ono 0 that requires considerably consider abl a skill aad II if it Is to be ba successfully in drilling the holes the plan Is to immerso immerse th the a c hina china completely lu in water so na as to avold avoid fracturing it no chemI chemical cRt la 14 used to eat away tho the gl azoa good sharp drill with a dilno point la is nil all that la in needed for riveting whiter white alro which may bo be had bad from any ank IB la JO c metal meta dealer la Is wi wf 4 corn ively soft boft and canine without hamme hammering it toa elly all the tha tools required are a drill abam a bam ier er a supply of wire end a pair or cl buting pliers |