Show exaggeration on her arrival in new york mme ame sara bernhardt Dern hardt replying to IL compliment on her youthful appearance said the secret of my youth it la is the good god and then you know I 1 work all the time but I 1 am a great grandmother sho she continued thoughtfully so how bow can these many compliments be true I 1 am afraid my friends are exaggerating mme ame bernhardtz Bern hardts laugh spon tane ous as a girls prompted a chorus of nono no no yes said the actress 11 unconscious exaggeration like the french nurse on the boulevard our boulevards are ara much more crowded than your streets you know and although we have numerous accidents things arent quite as bad as the nurse suggested her little charge a boy of six begged her to stop a while in a crowd surrounding an automobile accident please wait the little boy said want to see aee the man who was run over no hurry his bis nurse answered there will be plenty more to see BOO further on I 1 |