Show it 90 i n 4 ij 0 afif domn 4 t 1 0 ip f tooele thoele trading fco company 1 1 1 14 1 1 the only general edse ase store in bobele tooele car pt V crying a complete line linc of dry goods fur F ur W j F 10 va nish ings shoe 9 groceries hardware S 1 I 1 paint aint oil glass etc f L also the celebrated warners rust proof jf Ws corsets for women worn en the famous packard Pac ilard RI hj shoe fo for i m men e n p j goods liht prices right tys 47 j ft rt rd 44 gall gl ll C W 4 1 I 4 arh F T 1111 ssi 7 1 ass I 1 V A P U f ite ass w if 1 J W tat a tone L K vya a r we co cc I 1 j ajo 1 enar disc f 1 y j 0 small profits ani a ish lm A ulu j is i 3 our motto 11 i phone 38 33 v thoele tooele V itah j i r 7 X AV PACIFIC commercial CopI nANY BENERAL STORE georgc giorg prop east street tooele thoele utah t i at on 7 i y CTT you all know now us and our COALS TH s a me clean b beatr ment and solid satisfaction hafe phone i wl TOOK E M THC FILE C the STORE with the ehe STOCK i to wear for EVERY 1 if you yot are in fil need of any offlie of the following lines please olease 1 give Q ive us a calebe call be 7 fore purchasing mens boys clothing hats flats cal caps cobots and shoes rubbers 1 u 1 of all kinds all new goods price guaranteed knit goods of every description di L U S in all grades at fa factory cloty I 1 prices corne come in i n and a n d see the store with ith the stock r tiie AMERICAN A A EXPRESS handling the through gh butte los angeles leaves leae salt h jaka lake P 11 daily arriving tu living lot los an aa 9 11 day I 1 Z the los andenes An deles limited f i A through flir ough fl oll chicago leaving ball latke lake P M dily daily arria gitig los ail angeles belc i 1 SO 30 P if nex t I 1 1 r r i the i tr j f r i fl salt like lake 1150 ll 11 af P M N dally daily i 4 v all trains handling through throng gli standard Sian daid dard and tourist sleeping cars y i r and Elid dining Dinin calls cais on ii all thru thin trains t 14 for rates and full information see S e local azyn acet oradore or addre address ss J H manderfield AG op PA main salt lake city utah I 1 I 1 harold skelton j fil i I 1 G F J 0 GE W 11 X 13 L 3 C 4 SS S S 1 AN S I 1 E ER 11 1 I 1 i ux I 1 tt |