Show had money in lumps charles 11 rosenberg of 0 f bavaria had bad lumps on his shoulders rs elbows and hips when he arrived here from hamburg on the Kal serIn auguste victoria in fact there was waa a series ot of smaller lumps along hla his spine much like a mountain range as it Is presented on an a bas relief map mal the lumps were about the size ot of good oregon apples and as rosenberg passed before tho the immigration doctor for observation the doctor ani said d softly to himself seo see that lump jump then he asked mr air rosenberg to step aside you seem like a healthy man said the doctor but I 1 cannot pass you until I 1 know the origin of those lumps on your body ah it la Is not a bick aide ness laughed the man from bavaria those swellings Is money taking oft off his coat ho he broke open a sample lump and showed that it contained in american bank notes ile he informed the doctor that he had in all with which he was go going to purchase an apple orchard in oregon ile he was admitted to the country new york tribune |