Show NORTHWEST NOTES E II 11 harriman left his big summer home at pelican lodge on 1 klamath lake aki oregon chaie he has spent IL months a cation ac alln on friday of last week ek tom and lawaence Law La ienco cleed ft A ere to to 15 and 18 months re electively toi foi stealing a quint quantity ity ot of jatoi melons from a union I 1 car at cheyenne james jamea gibbs of del norte colo was mas seriously injured in a runaway at the four mile atile ranch near coggs B 0 wyo a few la da ago when the ho horses started to mn iun gibbs ma wai thrown over the dashboard II if 3 martin a freight conductor ogden utah was ma rushed to death in a colli blon on the coith cin in pacific lall road at avon about lift miles west of butte 1 martin was sleeping ira in the caboose of an extra frel ht train the of inyo county cal abo have five ben always more or li as bs Ir hostile ostile to the whites lif tes occupancy of their territory are now so BO vigor bously objecting to the seizure of their water nater rights by los ioa angeles that the settlers sett leis fear trouble tames stanwood aleice aged 78 years bears la is dead at his home hoine in tacoma of app apoplexy lexy ile he was a cousin of pie fian atlin aleice and his grand father Natian lel gave to tire the th e I 1 federal government the he site tor for the te navy yard at Ports portsmouth month N 11 II jack dunn the outlaw mho lecent ly y murd pied ed a man near 8 IT 11 Is believed bellev cd to be in hiding biding near I 1 hulett in tte the northern part of ccook county wyoming A and I 1 several fet veral deputies have taken the trail and hope to biang in the outlaw all tiro the wyoming coal mines shut down by the strike of the miners miner have shave supplies of coal on hand band and there I 1 lq fear 0 of an immediate coal fam lne ine A butte dispatch announces that the amalgamated copper bitnes have 0 six weeks mocks stock of coal on hand after september 13 33 apple glowers ot ol the pacific northwest will ill be re quiren to pay a shail increase Inc rense in f eight rates to macket their apples in the e eist the biggest advances I 1 are made to points west of the mis couil over ilver whereas advances to joints east of the souil liver ilver are blight demey dewey the lOyo arold old son bon ol of B D T r back a cheyenne contractor lound found a cartridge in the alle at his home and after extracting the he bullet I 1 he be placed the shell on a rock and hammered it until it exploded A i dece of the shell struck young back in the left breast killing him almost instantly sheriff smalley of cheyenne has unearthed a quantity of dynamite and fuse in the backyard backy aid of the homo home decently I 1 occupied by charles smith ft ho was shot a few days apo ago while bile resisting arrest and who 1 iq believed to have robbed a large number of eatores and residences dences duling the past low few years it is rell abl reported at newcastle wyoming that the narrow tauge lauge railroad extending from spear hah S D to the black hills na lional forest north of Nw eastle Is to be standardized standardised sed and extended to newcastle early next 5 bear ear the I 1 rese resent 13 t terminus of the road ts Is only 25 miles distant Passe passenger riger and fi eight rates on the I 1 acidic coast may be increased if the rians plans considered at it a meeting 0 of of ficiala of the union pacific railway nt at tb the 0 annex hotel boti at chi cago the other day are fruitful the ricell ing was a esperet one but it was declared that an increased tariff rate to the boist co had bad been considered the northern pacific and subsidiary companies which are defendants in a su suit it recently instituted by the gov to recover immensely i alu ale coal lands in montana filed blied their answer last week meek which in effect Is I 1 that ti at the government cannot go hack back under its classification under which the tracts were awarded the mine whistles did not pall call the n inars to work mork at diet Mo monarch narell kool and on september 2 seven hundred men aie out at dietz at monarch at Caine 60 at kool hool and 25 at ar the miners are optimism t k sergeant domer bover of troop D who wandered away from camp lii in tho the crow creek reserve while from injuries received by his hoise boise falling on him was wan found in laramie and to la being cared for at a local hospital ile he will mill recover coal miners and operators for the montana di met in conference nt helena on oil the ard 3rd for the purpose of a wage mage scale for the ensti ing year the operators are under stood to ie be ot oc reducing wages which will be resisted by tho the miners mrs robert chapman an aged woman from Oi liland cal who with ier husband has been visiting their on george chapman at reno neva od oa was found dead by her husband pt an early hour she had used chloro form to alleviate a headache and took look to much vier after building out to fort russel tile the cheyenne tramway company will build a una line hom lt its present terrain us out beyond the chain of lakes to the lie north of park skirt the lacefi hakea and return to tho the city via the ies lake minnehaha and vast fast che semie enne ibe talmadge bunting land com coir wany which aich to is constructing tion and reclaiming a larye large plea pica on the Latain le plains lie has s awarded a contract to it 11 i E owens the th e mil all oad constrictor cont rictor of grand eu en cam bent for th the 0 1 excavation J I 1 I 1 I 1 ton of a 96 |