Show TOWN of HBO NEVAR P 10 WASTE 81 UMES three thousand people homeless a score injured and a property loss LOM of nil isz rbra rime e people homah is a 1 01 more in lured an 3 a loss of over la is the result of a fire which started at 9 10 0 1 alday morning in dr garners garner a office located in the rawhide drug earn corn pany a bIl building ding which quick ly to the ross ROBS botel and from there hero its ewe wits was uninterrupted couth and east to balloon averit bid and up rawhide avenue to within fifty yards yarda of the peoples hortas horta 1 over ft a ton and a halt ot of dynamite was used in the demolition of buildings which in a 11 measure stayed the flames r acsa es s llie volunteer fire department worked heroically but on account of inflammable construction of the build ings they were swept away like tin der at 11 0 clock the ho business por par kioa of rawhide was nas a shouldering ing mass of ruins the limes being final ly checked south of balloon avenue A famine threatens now as all tile tho grocery and supply houses de it troyed the newspapers times and rustler were saved although althou ih tho the machinery ot of the news plant waa as tie de strayed wild excitement prevailed the ott zens zena enacting the same scenes that prevailed at I 1 in july 1906 at tho the fire of at ripple cripple creek in april 1896 and during other big conf lagra eions in mining camps the buildings destroyed will result alono alone in a financial loss of ta 0 with alth no insurance the contents of 0 the I 1 billings ill lings are a losh aal will fiill swell tho the total considerably mole moi 0 many people were slightly injure by lying flying debris but none are to ro ported seriously hurt maul many acts of heroism wre wire enacted and wet weir it not for the coolheaded cool bended ones among the anxious fire fighters several fatalI fatalities would orld have pi li donled men choso whoso foi wie wae going up in name finale rubbed madia forward lit in the their attempts to save their li ir belonging sr I 1 and would have shed ind hid not ic 10 straining handia deta detained inca them thein |