Show UTAH STATE NEWS the utah baptists in convention nl at balt bahe city declared for locae option t ton the utah baptists hold held their awen tj ti fifth annual convention lu in sall lake city lat last weck act h cooking will be 10 taught to high school pulls of salt lake I ake city during tho the comina school abar 3 ear the amerian party i III told hold ua its 1 1 tate convention in fit salt lake city on n september 28 when hen a state stalo ticket will be placed in the field A contract has haa been I let IA A by the corn coin mei lal club of salt sail lake tor for tho the con of a m ent new home for the club to cost wai mado made last that the ogdin factory of tho the amal sugar company would begin operations epe aalona rations this than yar on sept 10 drank it 16 year old salt lne boi ft an arrested in ogden last charged with voth ot ealing a borso and buggy from a salt lake livery ninn lillton I 1 thatcher hatcher soil BOD of john B 1 hatcher of login died of dropsy buhei induced by leakage of the 1 urt art ot it di dipsey hot spi lags lit in idaho last icek ek in the of a locomotive on oil thi denvir L rio grande near 11 hompson H I 1 ii Kliver cr lund and k alro ire man of grand junction Ju nellon woe wie injured an ali attendance tar far in excess of any previous year yar la Is expected at each ol at tho the educational institutions in ogden and the city schools for the approach ing ivo cnota c typhoid fever havo have broken out among the Innia inmates tes of thi indumati fal school I 1 his coupled with the epidemic of bover la Is tho the of the school sumo concern chere 1 I hero lias has been such a domand demand for far emall honit hom s in ili slit silt lake that ninny many investors who have commenced tt to build such structures hio hale sold bold them lefore before the worl of at construction wit was completed james W walsh formerly a rest resl dent of silt salt latto lake city being empoe jolly well known in athletic circles vas killed hilled as the ronalt of the ho giomi ture explosion of a blast in a mine inano zear near nevada the three yc ill old daughter daught Lir of tl at J crowley tell fell aiom a second story window jn in salt ladt J nh a distance or of 15 35 feet and t escaped with a tow few blight bruises she had bad dropped tier her doll and fell out of the window after it col cal E A wall of salt lako city las has rewarded with a check for 1000 1 00 tho the hotel clerk cleric at long beach cal for rescuing his daughter maly matiy 18 scars 3 tars old mrs itra landray ropers rogers and daughter helen at 0 fresno aiom drowning A runaway team ran over tho the three 5 vaid earold ear old son of J T lynch of ogden alle tho the little fellow was playing on the he sidewalk the child narrowly only death having an arm bicken in two plaes places and baing otherwise I 1 affif ully injured 1 I 1 he first carload of alberta peaches shipped chipped bioni vIlle this season as ao sent bent out on september 2 by tho the local branch of tho the utah county faill association it Is 13 estimated th that at will ship over twenty file cars of albecita Al beita peace pea cloa this semon V smith a carpenter chobo home bome wits waa in payson while visiting silver city fell into nn nit abandoned aban donel r hatt baft it distance dl stanco of at feet his body being horribly the litno had bad been boarded over but had caved rear the ho mouth leiting leading a thin caust f eaith david it II jones jonea jr of met n ath a belious accident while atle on a trip to the reservation ile ho shot it 1 l chIcRe rt front frank his bis wason wagon and on get ling oft off to secure it the pun eun fell to the ground and exploded tho the char chare go entering hla his right leg between betheen the ankle and knee the health board of prow prom with the help belp of two veterinary surgeons burgeons has located four cases of glanders and fiarn tho the circumstances 9 the osta it la Is evident that moto than loo horses have been exposed to the disease of tho the horses were althin the city limits although thero there wco mevo plenty of hot days tit in the salt ladd valley during august the of the tha weather bu reau tor for the month shows that the everage temperature was waa lower than it has baa been for thirty five years yeara with the he exception of 1907 when the tha mer are temper temperature tempera aturo tur was wan 71 while intoxicated it II C foster a wyoming cattleman wea arrested end placed in the he ogden jail where lie attempted guilde by jabbing him belf in the neck with a piece of rusty amiling wire lie fought so BO hard bard to prevent front from aiding him that he be was placed la ironi t the ithe richt ftp ht of ik ray ay asked for by tho the uan railroad has been orp pro prod 41 the alte new road will be beigh t wn illes in length lunning tit in a FoutI asterley masterly direct oi 0 i front from price balong along millar areek reck to the new coal fields whichard chare now beenk developed jt ork will begin ln incho alie nead near future ab aj a tru majo 11 athe 0 00 t band ad f bican fleak re lai k 4 c Z eld ajaj ugilt 1 I ati e ot vot was la and bac inward word IN tb ot tive substantial majority fago the L issue titie ledill r he election F ioan arshi of thi waterworks water works I 1 i |