Show BEES DELAY THE MAIL rural carrier in indiana has a astren bous experience logansport Lopan Logan sport ind william slagle euial mall mail carrier of oe route no 34 out ot of this city was as attacked by a swat in of angry bees while covering its his route a and nd was as so BO badly stung that when he returned to tho the post ollice office fellow el low em cloyes wets unable to recognize him goaded to fury by the sting of the angry bes beia slagle a horse ran rail away and the united states niall mall was wag scat feied along the roadway for two miles tle the bees beca settled about the flee lug ing boise and they made merry jab bing their LAI into slagle and the animal in an effort to bat the bees from his face and head slagle dropped the reins and the horse in swaying staying the iffet rig from one side elde of the road to the other dumped out the mall mail the fleeing animal finally out distanced the bees and slowed down to a walk first assuming himself that the bees had bad gone slagle guined tho the animal about and drove back and picked up the scattered letters and other of mall mail As the tha result of the hie attack he Is in bad condition |