Show DREW PEARSON deadlock over korea M MAJ AJ GEN ARCHER L LERCH military governor of korea gave an off the i ecord talk to reserve officers recently expressing great pessimism regarding U S relations with russia in korea latest eff efforts orts to get together with rus sia general lerch said may as well be written off as failure what caused the deadlock was recognition of political parties since rus sia sla would not recognize any korean parties not controlled by communists general lerch also revealed aled 1 russia s agrarian reforms in northern korea have back fired northern native farmers oppressed by a 50 per cent tax on produce and strict control under the cooperative system are drifting south across the parallel 2 border incidents have been reduced along the russian american line however two ru russian rusian sian soldiers prowling for rice below the border were shot and killed by korean police 3 only 53 japs are left in southern korea all hospital cases 4 russia which controls the industrial half of the country Is permitting A smooth flow of electricity into the american zone without interference general lerch said he was not warned about too many koreans be coming converted to communism wor koreans ans he said could never be regimented into communism I 1 am sure WALTER WINCHELL oddities in the big burg radio city has three employees whose duties consist of picking up biggle butts all day in the year 2015 rockefeller center s maze of skyscraper buildings will become the property of columbia university without cost how times change at the turn of the century a shave and haircut in the big burg cost two bits tipping was taboo the reason some of the old brownstones have blue windows at one time it was believed that sunlight streaming through blue glass was very healthful william 0 keete keefe who used to be a reporter back home wants to know if we ever heard of a morning paper publisher many years ago who moved a half ton safe one day to get at a nickel beneath it and explained after a severe injury to his back I 1 wouldn t have moved it only I 1 thought it was a dime and he tells the one of the fellow who urged to take another drink by a friend pretty well under the ber refused oh ob come on the friend argued it if anybody notices anything I 1 II 11 say its it s my breath perhaps was the an awer but suppose they also ask Is that your stagger 9 slavery was abolished in manhat tan before the revolutionary war exploded it s well known that new york once was called new am but for a few years it also had another honicker mo nicker new orange scientists claim the land that makes up lower manhat tan is probably the oldest known part of the earth earths s surface many of the jewels on the door of the tabernacle at the little church around the corner are stones from the rings of women married there maiden lane gots its name because dutch maidens once washed their clothes in a brook the there WALTER SHEAD doom to veterans loans NE of the main reasons why veterans are failing to obtain loans under 0 ONE the G I 1 bill of bights rights is the tact fact that the congress has clipped the power of reconstruction finance corporation to purchase these mort gages from banks the congress which passed the G I 1 bill gave authority to purchase mortgages on homes where the loans had been guaranteed by veterans administration under terms of the G I 1 bill the authority under which the purchased these mortgages expired june 30 when the new law was passed by this congress extending the lor for another year and slashing its loan authority from something like 18 billion dollars to two billion dollars congress not only swept away the only source of small business and small industrial loans but refused to give kive authority to purchase G I 1 home business and farm mortgage loans banks throughout the country therefore have no outlet tor for disposal of these loans and must hold them in their own portfolios and from all over the country veterans are finding it almost im possible to obtain borne home loans no matter how well they are armed with letters of eligibility sen john sparkman of alabama introduced a bill in the last minute tush rush of congress seeking to extend this authority of the he I 1 PHILLIPS treasure hunt of VANISHING AMERICAN americanisms ISAIS house to let 20 a month with IT iab heat I 1 everybody is entitled to a summer vacation and it doesn doean t cost much alt all you can eat for fl 2 0 Af ommer may I 1 bring a couple of friends home to dinner corn crop much improved P headline listening in on the radio I 1 would think it was the best ever says J J W PAUL PAWL MALLON military Weal weakness mess of russia UCH has been made of the superior size of the russian army M MUCH our military men frequently mentioned this recently to get their appropriations through congress but little or nothing has beer been reported of the critical military weaknesses of russia she may be an isolated economic and political power existing behind an iron curtain but from the military standpoint she is wide open from the air on three sides and extremely vulnerable in oil the custom is to regard russia as unconquerable because ol 01 her vast spaces hitler s military mistake was in attempting to devour more than he could chew no one seems to think of kus rus sia s far vaster outer circumference of defense which is really too extensive to be defensible f but these considerations run beyond current military realities the alissia issia which has become so aggressive in the world of politics does not k Tib prise eight million square miles but the few square miles occupied by it thousand political leaders chiefly in a few large cities say moscow a and russia could be effectively isolated in war from the rest of the world without much d on the other hand the atomic missile and other bombing rocket threats against against her are somewhat dulled by her far ar flung distribution of industry except oil for our part defense against use of such missiles is our most vital necessary concern we are protected everywhere except in the air we are protected in every way excepting from atomic possibilities and missiles in these baskets most of our eggs may now be put lie e must think of atomic defense not offense we must concentrate on air and missile protection WRIGHT PAT PA TERSON stolen fruits are sweetest awas boyhood days in iowa I 1 was taught that it was wicked to stealthily appropriate the other fellow s watermelons later tor for more than half a century I 1 was never tempted now living in a small community I 1 have a water melon vine in my own back yard but that vine is rooted in a neigh bor 3 garden the friendly neigh borly argument has been over the question whose melons are those in my back yard to settle it I 1 ate the melons 0 0 it we have to fight the next war across the north pole we will find it hard sledding especially for the ground troops |