Show m mrs marylene thomas mr and mrs bob kessler from san francisco spent sunday visit ing at the home of mr and mrs delbert beaman mr and mrs alfred hiss and family left thursday afternoon for a two week weeks s trip to california joan and esther meli of tooele thoele are visiting friends and relatives in stockton in the last three games stockton ball club has done for themselves proud by winning two and teeing one game on tuesday of august TOD and stockton played nine innings to an 8 8 tie with john thomas pitching very good ball he had eight strike outs al lowing but nine hits on wednes day of august stockton beat erda by a score of 4 to 1 in a very interesting game on sunday the stockton again came out on top by a lop sided score of 17 to 8 over st john bud thomas and dewayne orr hit the ball hard for the winners delbert beaman has returned after a weeks vacation in magna as guest of his aunt beth har wood mr and mrs harold fullmer and family of stockton and mr and mrs dale rich of morgan return ed home last week after a week weeks s vacation in yellowstone park jack son hole and the mr and mrs jack bonza and family of yucca arizona have been with friends in stock ton mr banza is a former resident mrs fern agrotti of price spent two days last week visiting at the home of her sister mildred has miss janet gressman of arco idaho is visiting at the home of mr and mrs willis smith and mr and mrs william edwards mr and mrs josh haslam are visiting at the home of mr has lams lam s mother in vernal mr joseph thomas was a week end visitor at the home of his brother mr and mrs william tho mas and family mr and mrs john are returning to stockton to make their home here mr and mrs tom pow ell are also moving back mr and mrs ralph boding and family left saturday morning for california where they will visit with their son gaylen who is sta tinned with the U S navy there mr and mrs ervin timms and family of hooper are in stockton visiting with friends and relatives |