Show libas lions will meet at canyon Casa ysa party thursday aday night po the tooele thoele lions clu club annual canyon party will be held thurs day even ng august 21 at legion park starting ilg at 8 0 clock this party will be the first club activity for the coming year and lions jack clarke and I 1 D bird chairmen of the affair report ev grything ery thing shipshape for a swell can yon party A full course d will be ser ved to all lions and their partners roast veal or baby beef as on only I 1 y lion joe schutz can cook it will sharpen your appetite whether you are hungry or not fifteen p ece accord on band w 11 entertain during the evening ac cording to lion bird chairman of the program committee lions committee members will share the work and the honors for the party with their wives as rep of the lady lions just a reminder that the f regular meeting of the lions club will be september 4 at mar vista center A board of directors meet ing will be held tuesday septem her ber 2 at the city hall all commit tee chairmen will be asked to be at the september 2nd meeting |