Show JS l IUm I San nn Francisco Cull From recent InA IlIR It Is apparent that hint proposes to dispute the tho I I sovereignty of China over Tl Thiel l will be ba pre presented In III such form torm ns as asto to attack the or of the tho United Slates by denying China Chinas right to muke With us n treaty opening the volts of at MOU MOUdon dun don and 1 to our trade It If China II sovereignty over the of Man I Is complete p pIs Ind It ItIs Is her hor right tu to make that treat treaty Nn 1111 doubt It Ir hud only tu to deal cleal with site could bully bulb her hll to 10 suc Rut nut slue she line hus to deal l nl with time the hulled States That line no SO Some over h by byIs time law or of Is evident Milwaukee Wisconsin There Is nu no wh till the Slates become In III the tho struggle directly or Indirectly This has to no renson to 10 train from Japan than trout alt or more trado ons with the tho anti their on Ills cles than the amid nil their dependencies hn has comae from the cave rno ot et the past more morl recently than She tine hns 1 a great dead very n quickly but the mans or of liner Is III credited r by those thOM veldt her with much conceit and little Americans win who have hao hut A with Japanese mind merchants prefer preter the whose o l rums lIa gool goo nil As 1 n hoed whereas th tin Is IA otten erl to patty at e The 1111 exports from Irom the tho oiled Stites to Are III him of oC those rut lit huh hul hal hail 1 of If late Inte years Los 1011 Angeles I Express in III view of at thin possibility ot of n II drug AIt mid Japan in III the Orient military e experts perls are nrc I In much nil as to time Iho and resources or of time tho two nn The Tho of St Bt Petersburg Pe In the e event lIt of 01 ties tic will 11 rise is IH one maim nt at time call of time tho czar anti In this force of at numbers there thore can bo little doubt lIt of time tile I SIl Jut commenting the enemy this paper the that opinions ot of In teen men that flint time the 11 Infantry ran hI he II dr to give a good account or of It Il reif hut but the cavalry Is III deficient be because cause ot of faulty training mil the navy 0 of the tho Is ot of time supposed elt hick of IC on the tho InrI of at nod men Worcester At 1 the present time we in 11 the fourth Ince rut nt all 1111 m t not COUll c trips tries In in other WOI the the of cof our shipments hums Increased or of 30 told In 27 21 years of CC our tilt ellion 1011 ot of the Philippines we wc lire are t tto to outstrip pcr every lither ether n within u n period not very Iry emote Strive how they rimy 1 y the tho European nations can 1111 cannot not compete with us liS In time Iho 11 le IA to 10 1 a ot of the base ot of our In the OrIent tt Tho witch which we vo huts huo limits till to he I realized by our and mer chants Now New Post statesmen ore are not nol h Ind to the superior advantages or of this country III h tree camI for tor thc t ot the tho East 1 lIsI Vence It Is entirelY credible limit its report the they with disquietude III the continued interest hy by the Iho United States In the Ihl Integrity timid and little ot of China II If thus COUll country tn succeeds In Its trade thereby ng the tite r doctrine or at tho rho open door In time tho nt at time tho com cumi ot of Russia In the tho Fir East may easily encounter n a ser act lotte setback Now New York Sun In the tho event or of war we are In incline cline to think would endeavor to n a loyal conflict until nn an army mud I been een on the orean coast The fhe Interior ot of that country would 1 he be the scene icene ot of on hind IlInd Port Pert Arthur or of could not to be reduced b by 1 a Japanese fleet It may be doubted whether It could ever he be nAsa lied In time the rear by troops Russia having II a preponderance In In Cocoa Japan naturally act on limo Iho defensive anti during th the severe lIvero winter which In ht that country Russia could accomplish nothing Un less Japan were ts ere to 10 sustain II a cru crushing defeat on the melt seu II nt I Ih the ot of the Iho war It Il would probably last for tor u a long line It If sin power were to be destroyed or crippled she could still prosecute her land and A naval calamity to 10 would coil the tho war |