Show A n II The morning paper that such I lb lou IRO Igns ot of b a swayed b by n a sort ot of I llyde Influence It hnS beEt 1 n complete change ot of front fronton I Ion thing to see n a on Its local pages froth that tat III Its edl 1 columns anti to 10 1 It flat I In the Ihl hitter ot of Its his utter litter i runes Ott ono day I tul those or of another but on of y It lied up In Its usual olden style In one une e editorial column anti then lien threw 1 n stream ut ot cold water on onIS IS In the ho next and parallel eol col It is how It only wo we parallel its to two conflicting para paragraphs graphs III ht n a column for COIO Cob 2 I Gol Col 3 The change Its In I It would he be n the city vote vota on waste of at time to Tuesday n as om corn discuss overmuch with the Iho lie tho and vote ot of yours wherefores of the tho age In IH rashly no mitt Tues counted for tor This fhe tiny Why attempt is 18 to lu lay the flu IJU to te on the tho sur ur I for or the Iho else face the returns lout or of n a supposed toll tell Ih the story rot Jet Ily I ly lick u its see fP that I et III hl 1 n story atory is II A lilli i city ot of n few felY I bellont would 01 districts t i It 11 bring to anybody will tell lell It with I or any interest nut waste or of Could We not tho WOlds I bettor employ tIl tt c time and space In InThe II The effect we I planning for to the believe wilt 1111 be I future o of Salt Hall Lake lasting and alit reach tar It II I Ii I italic to 10 the cOlin coun Let Iel us UI nit all for try lIy I get 1 to tn the Ihl able hurt i past maul get ready there thero Is 1 mi Power I to tl clasp hauls to here which con gether as AI a united role n absolutely I hotly body ot of men And noel which uxor women semen fur tOl tile the tie Ilu rises clus that control I or of Salt Halt h its lis own Inter I Lake Lallo City Oct Ct and for tor lima tho election or Of II Its people to 10 without the slight oct regard to 10 party poll tics 1 In the tho column vas full ut of trickery Ith figures and those Insinuations and covert attacks that betray Ito clumsy hand ot of the enemy that In the third column largely of n and encouraging it III m direct with the tho ot her For time sake of at the wel uel fare to say nothinG of at the success ot of our Jur contemporary It Il Is III to bo be hoped tint the side ot of its lis per personality will ho stilled It if not paralysed |