Show T TERRIBLE RIB I IN KEARSARGE MI MINE f Gave Is Ills Life To lo Save Those of ofIs Is Ills 01 Men SEVEN BODES BODIES WERE I ERE RECOVERED Many More la Ia flare II In Thc lime Is Situated A mt Bute Butte Nor dispatch to time In Cram Virginia Cly City Mont Seen are oro cload a moro lulled anti and sores tort lost In hum time underground workings of time tho mile In mc 11 fire ro which started II in tl thid Ille situated nt at eight mies room there this morning Time ho known lend dead are Shut U n U 1 furner of thu mine I a miner lamed and lve uthel timet miners b too badly to bo Thelo seel Lodl bodice s have ben been recovered GO 50 to 7 75 mel lre are sti dowl down In Iii tue tho Imd may hao per perIshed from or smoke rime fhe 20 omen men It Is the ho property ot of United Millard of No Nc br Iu was US valued at about 1 there la is no WU to estimate time the loss Time ho tn fire Which nt at 7 this ns as time the welo being still rages fiercely th or of rescue City to assist bo be II i ls as there Is nu ilo apparatus wl ot at tM fin mine 1 It II not low how the tre lime Sold TUler Turner gave hIs iii Ifo life tor or his lt lie us at amid when the limo alarm COme came Into tho th In lute shirt wih another ho 1 his not been learned TUter his way In him to 10 time main lere hero the timey found o eVerything ablaze theIr way ton down and II in mund dragged out ilme bolies bodies Tobin old and a second Ivl It at tempt the did chiLi tt hut COm Olt omIt hater brought forth dead hr i time the the tho lun who vho so 80 aided Perishing wih with him Turner urner WIS tilt th or In America Ho II a member or of the tho Society ot of Mining Ils Ilium father formerly lute auditor ur of Colorado had n a that hl lie lie before hI WAN 30 I as asa n a brother fuler let flint n a eat In years ago whon just 3 and other IJO of at time the am I ily have killed III at that ago Til Fur ncr ner wait of 30 Io Ito 1 n a widow mInd ono one child hiving ut ef it Timo total lumber ot of tead ulerid 11 may lot mint ho be known tor or time Ild the bOIl bad lel lea recovered 11 all but or of Turner lre mire to to to ho 10 Virginia City and other towns are on aim the tho IY I I f time the to bo be In time tho are dead the list wi toot tip to GO 60 or iO 70 So Soune 1 I or of the tho rescuers arc 11 lied Iy hy bi Timo hl II is S 8 Iles miles from Virginia el City 1111 amid only by telephone If tim difficult Time house hOus call plant n tire I a total ios I It Is riot not known how hadl badly time tho s ot of the tho maine ha 0 damaged Ille The Tue list or of deut dead Virginia follows CI Wt I it I Ih Fleming Turner Johll Tobin Et d George Alen Allen Do 11 ell The These e wen amen micro ni cli coin ni aim were micro time the force ot of at the tho No bodies bodlos hind had beel mccoy red crud up to noon Nob Nov Mil II In hard Id owner ot of time the amino mno nt at Virginia lly City saul hmo he hami beNI ot of time tho ot of tho buildings ot at tho lie of the tho ta In attending their destruction 10 tb utile him iii ni rime fhe in i a r lag Is hi hy by limo tho senator uld several associates lost mostly of oC Is valuable clY city cud very |