Show I I TR TRYING I G TO FORCE A PARTY PART CAUCUS Efort to Get Republican Together ethel for Present Heals SCHEME WILL HARDLY WORK Many Ian Part Party Wilt 1 he be 10 io tile the Under l OLD OFFICERS SEEKING TO REMAIN Is There tie a Clean Sweep 1111 n a ant aIll Thero was n a effort to 10 a today ot of time coun Vito ho Was WaR In Iii I I II ot of tour four heats ot of III tile present or of III CI City 1 1 11 1401 I 1 amid Olt miter mi Pm I I iii heso desire to 10 retain after th 1113 now l lr under the lI fIle argue that m 1 or of Ihl time cIty ly ta IH 11 Ilor I Ii no limit Lime hot they II that the Iho get together In to ton Ioa hIram Ihl the t C MorrIs imo he to 10 them to For tl Ue ot of the tite dId dul not ni till tulo it rid y tl to I hI ii Illan 11 lt I ml Wi 3 and nOle imone ma inn ho he hold Thoy nr ar argue guo gue at buIlt ot Of lo Jo IMI there Is u a new neu order ot of amId that thai should houll be a clein SM sweep uI In JIm Dime ot of th amade II Is th men who Vimo Iro Itro going trite Inlo olen chico mayor tind councIlmen alle alike IJ b to 10 select s who in I no ao WiY wih the I If tIme desire ant that both nul mind should It be In the list |