Show BARRATT ARRATT HALL BALL TO BE I i Meeting to bo be lipid Thursday at 3 Pi p in filE ARE AIm FIrst iii be tutu Others Still ibis lite The time of the meetIng for tor the dedi dedicatIon catIon of oC hull Holl ot of the Latter day unIversity luI lips Jeen Changed 2 to 3 p in 11 tomorrow Thursday III aider to permit the ot of menu mem hers bell ot of thu tho quorum ot of the tho Apo Apostles and others who could not attend at 2 lJ ii m mIt It Is learned that Ir President Jo Joseph P F FSmith Smith lie and will vili otter the dedIcatory prayer nIo bitt II Lund anti ond John It 11 Winder wilt will speak lit at the The of Ih the Institution will attend In Il a body after th the classes have Jen dl dismissed fr for this the day dllY nt at 3 v 1 m in rIse JIH services wIll occupy on eu hour a halt half The music fur the occasion will be furnished b by Prof I Stephens liS as slated II by n a number ot of tho YO vu of the lw city lIy All Invitation to he be is 18 ex cx extended tended to nil th the friends of oC In iii this thib Friends ot of the latu Sister Barrett MU aru c Invited ecI and nil that come will be welcome Most ot of the readers ot of the News wilt thief Irh III lie ot of i lOOi l Mrs Matilda j M i to 10 aid the Iho ot of o education to the Ihl or of thin III Hainta College UI ins It II WON was then called the Ihu offer oNer ot of with whIch to erect creet u a build building In ing to the thc memory ot of tier her sort SOli Samuel M Tue rho aunt lum was Inere l l inure noro h by Mrs when then tt II us lint the Iho bId for tor the of the Contracts for Cor the tho erection of the tho were let on June Jun 27 21 1901 anti the tho hall ball was pori early Itt In 1 1002 02 Thu Tho lower petIt puH or of tim the building was wal occupIed h by the school the tho spring term cnn ot of this year but bUI occupation ot of the hole ne 01 only weeks steeRs 11 ago If a nt at the opening of the tho rail fail ernt ot of the year on Sept I 8 Tue rhe has all as its principal tea rell ture nn an with inclined floor gallery opera chairs for tor 1000 persons well 11 lighted I hi cd I by It a glass dome nod large windows lI lIghts The Tho Is the Iho most hell beautiful u IC III assembly room In Inho Inthe the ho state It is II during the slay day as asIt asa It a study mont b 19 the tho for which e It Is I The rho high arches coiling ceiling and th the open d dome e furnIsh nit III or of air anti the large or of glass linss In n dome and wIndows admit n a lIow light shadows Five class occupy the lower loor floor Samuel e In whose memory the vas erected anti hIs mother are both bolh IIO now hilt bul this m ot of their lives In this rom for others ethers to orate In the or tomorrow |