Show u MINING I In e York Yerk at t capper fit at 11 Colonel Heffron ot of tile the lea Con has returned from trip to The k management II hit four of fine In ore swatting se Ift today ilver n Or Ore from Big 01 tOil nod to the of half II a carlo carload l be I today ad n dump ores to 10 the ox tent or of six will h 10 I Ito to the It 13 O 0 ot of the tho J w I w wit bonanza left leCt for or that I City tills mornIng n 31 RobInson of at the I staff Is II elt city from Crom Putte en route to 10 tint Ihl east enst Ore Oro and bill bullion lion In tIle this I ty yesterday lilt us by t McCornick nick Co to C W 8 ot of the SmeltIng Smelling and RefinIng com coin rAn has returned from VivIan VIlan MeCuM has returned from th tho In Montana much with here Willard p I Snyder line lIns gone to Call to 10 10 days visiting the In which he be Is 1 Manager of thin tho Bingham Con Victor C CClement Clement Is In Iii on a 11 minting trIp Supt C R 10 thien of It the States is III again visItIng the I Eureka at Tin fIn hl Director A I I of oftie tie the Stifling company roo ro turn hiram cI tram from un an Idaho hunting bunting trIp trIll latt SImon of the org rII De Dc mutes wIll vs turn lurn tram rota those Nevada late Illta next DIrector John ot of the th Con bias arrived In tInt tho cIty rota S Seattle on en route roule to 10 Nebraska 1 P J Donahue tie the minIm expert today for tor Mexico t to some pro jira ot of promIse there ho r three c cur car carloads loads of tine oto on market bout 40 0 tons of ore oro dally daIly are coatIng tram rota the Nevada camp 1 K has ball returned tram front J Europe the Gohl proPerty In a Arizona fairly bunched with Il a syndicate The fhe Taylor and manage mannge reports the tho followIng shipments of aR heen sampled Three cars carll ot of otoro ore oro froni 10 from and about bait a car from Dig Cottonwood The Creole property mit at City will un undergo ergo n a careful InspectIon by hupt Hup Mixer who left for tor caRl camp thIs morn fog and the work of driving the pres eat ent shaft to 10 grell greater tel depth will be started rue fhe settlements settlement In this city for tor ore orn and bullIon during September ed 01 to as compared wIth 1 In August With tIme tho settle HeUle for Cor highland Boy nail billion till the grant totals for 01 August amid September were nug aug n nearly each ench |