Show W m lm II In ho or the tho Nat ion ith Cli a in v lotie ii I ii Mass Sept tol fog and mist and oer Mer the tho soggy o gy turf of the Country dub club plodded today nearly W o of the bel best women or of tile the country In the qualifying round or of the natIonal champIonshIp hll and wh when n the thela thelast la last t la lr had the thC three atiles and hail the eighteen holes It was round that MIss ls Curtiss ot of this the Essex x Countr Country M Manchester Mas laH III amt Miss WelK Wells of the I home club chub hal bait excelled 11 all otherl others ami tied for tor the first Place by cores ot of 60 O ench ro close o al on their were Miss 1 I Ruth nuth ot of the tue Nassau ns nu Country dub en 1 I 1 alil and Miss 1 hoi ot of L Lawn n Gol Goit cub club or of COln CoOn also tet tied for tor forthe the third wih ot of 9 90 each I MIss CUris Curtis stIll Miss s and ond the winner of th the tie between A Under r hi nn nat MI Miss wi will receive lath I given by the i other wih with I scores ranging up to er also In the I running for tor the ONt first rund round lt of match Two mOe more vIA players lr Mrs Iu I IT T 1 T F hubbard ot of the tho Harbor Il club I Staten Ila Island ld and Mrs Mn Alex AIe McGregor ot of the Country Countr club Watertown Mass Ins Were te tied for tor th the Pea 1 ton wih scores of 10 Thi This te tie wi will bl be played ll e or off Ih te lut thilI thing tomorrow moring morning nM and the winner wi will continue In the tournament Among mong thou those who d for tor match IlIa play was a Mrs If H 11 G Brown of the kan an Golf club whose score wal a Out 49 Il in H total 98 S lii b Out OUI Tacoma Wah Sept One day was enough all and he to tonight tonight night wired lila hll resignation to President Lucas The Tacoma chub owners have consented to alow allow Lynch to tD urn um pire for tor the olance balance ot of the season enon did fairly wel today for tor Ill hi fr first ln day although lie ho lied n hard harJ game with cloSe decisions North North Se Sept t ot of races at the tho fair M Merchants stake 11 won on Chester Ablott Abbott M t third time Special trot Jack WI mat won Oregon Sunshine second Mi 1 haul I 11 third rime i H won Honest John second Sad third Time 43 4 nt at I the ho Dallas The Fhe Orl Ore Sept ull Won see yec anti Nutwood and Maid tied for tor third Titus rune SAddle I 1 10 S lm Y V Dick COunt third won ings second third iliac I Gt 11 WOI won CO Car belt 21 second Juck Boss Ilesa third Time |