Show MW Ill I The fhe or at the relIef relict or of Cuba Is ii still open anti there ore great ot of opinion ns as to the tho best course COUIse to In artier Imler to fullil the he alleged moral ot of title nation MUon to 10 the tho now and still protect our own industries It hue been h lIl I liy of the tho most producers and lers Itoh n a Oil Ott Cuban imparted Into this country would not Injure their business hut there arc aro others other who contend to the contrary anti thu tho Is III one worthy worth of oe consideration front till nil We 0 therefore give Io place pIneo to tho lie following which contains satan suggestions that be ot of value to the contestants Oil on i doter side or of the tho i 1 Deseret News rIte friends or of Cuba alto mI are of oC OUr tInt to tutU island Seem scent to ti lie ho alluded with II a form Corm ot of myopia which their anythIng but Iut sugar Thc They UR as sonic that lint the Ihl on only ta to help Cuba lit In our Is h by reducing tile Ino tariff on that artIcle nail the friends of oC the ho beet heet lire oro too to concede this point linin H n ft matter of fact hetu are ure ninny ways in III which our tariff might be modified to th the Rd ad ot of lie tho Oem of the Antilles and that lint too without ruining allY alt lean icon It ItI I otTer th the following n as I a few sag 1111 1 lIlIon a high Ilu duty on crude crudo rubber coffee coma paint ill IX CX empting the Cuba This lit 01 e would not afford fin uny consid relief hut but In 10 yeats w glet till the n a or of IhO those e till the 11 itt Iron anti man ores orel coming from ore UIe DUll and the lit itt Nt New NewYork Nework York ork ore Are enormous ditty or of 10 cents n a bunch would hardly h lit r felt lt II by lie tho consumers It the Cuban were admitted 1 ret employment for tor ot of would Ito ht pro tr Wed ot at once In JamaicA the hi wages of brat laborers hI have tier Iler Int 1111 05 n a lit the de of the banana There Itt IR n a shrewd suspIcIon In n tin Ihl of oC tint the 1111 t or at tim Ihl tariff on uhAn Is not us n a tellef to 10 lIhn but rather to 10 the thc refiners a 0 club climb to argue with wilh the lie beet sugar hl of In St t last hut tall was nn an oh Db lesson of DC the love 1111 shut hilt the its rs bear to tin Ihl II H seems that thaI tov bY next year 1903 beet sugar will nit nil the west ot of the river and the Industry II Is one which above nil all others needs Iroll Or its rt years Let Us 1111 hore lint Its 1111 may flay prevail I remain pir Yours etc ete P F R Los LOll CoCos Cal Sept 23 3 1902 |