Show CISCO ITEMS E 31 bradford is employed at the shearing plant for a few days floyd trout armed on no 3 monday and remained over for a day or two in cisco george bradford ran down from grand junction for the week end for a visit with his family mr and mrs jake and mrs lane were in from the ranch monday for a short stay oscar turner and waldo jones were in town monday oscar leaving on no 3 for salt lake city word has come from grand june tion that mr and mrs ray haggard residents of danish flats are the proud parents of a fine baby boy we have had exceptionally good weather for shearing which has pro grossed gressed steadily since it started about ten days aco ago unless bad weather interferes the shearing season will close about thursday of this week new news from charles hallett is to the effect that he is improving daily and expects to be able to leave the hospital this week he will remain however in grand junction the guest of the W P may family lor for several days until he has sufficiently recovered to return to cisco S E mcgraw passed through her here the latter part ot of last week on oil his id a way to grand junction where he h had a finger amputated saturday by dr he sent word to folks in cisco that he ae expects to return here in about a week it la is bop hop rd that his hi condition will continue it sat mrs fred burford and ind daughter alias gladys were grand junction visitors the lait last of the week mill bliss GIA dys returning on no 3 monday W when h en school was resumed bliss bur ford brought back the word that mill miss maud burford who ie Is cashier of the avalon has lists teen been very ill and he hey mother ii is still till with her |