Show f chief DIES stuyvesant F FISH 1 8 H FORMER PRESIDENT OF ILLNOIS CEN struggle with harriman Harrl man fifteen year years ago ie Is arcing classic of industrial combats Com bati battle stirred business world new now stuyvesant fish flab bank er and former president of the illinois central railroad died suddenly tues day fish who wag was senior director of the national park bank collapsed ai as he entered the bank to attend a dl III rector rectors meeting tuesday morning lie died almost instantly of heart trouble fish whose financial battles many times attracted the keenest attention of the business world had his last biff big controversy over control of 0 the illinois central railroad about fifteen years ago at that time he was president of the road and locked horns with ed ward II 11 harriman Harrl man as to whose in terest should hold sway away the con test resulted in the retired retirement t of fish as head of the illinois central but it was understood that he con tinned to maintain a large stock hold ins ing in that corporation of recent years I 1 han ish has been residing in garrison N Y where he his a large estate 0 elsh was born bom here january 24 21 1851 son of hamilton fish who served in president grants cabinet as secretary of state he lie began his bus iness career in 1871 as a R clerk in the offices of the illinois central becom ing a director of the road in 1877 and president in abst |