Show PROFITS ROM 1 GRAPES SHOWN TO 10 BE BIG during the spring the times independent has published a number of articles telling of the profits to be derived from raising grapes we attempted to quote figures showing the profitable realize from the industry it re returns turns that moab farmers would is gratifying to know that many local farmers have investigated the matter and as a result am this spring setting out vineyards vineyard ap which will doubtless be added to in sube subsequent quent years some of our readers were inclined to the belief that our statements me ants as to the profits to be derived from grape culture were exaggerated we are therefore glad to reprint below an editorial taken from the salt lake tribune which shows that our statements were if anything too conservative the tribune editors edi editorial torl follows follow california grape aroa gawers ers feared that prohibition would ruin the industry although not all of the grapes grown were use used J in t the 1 e making of wine in the pre voilstead days the grower of wine hauled his product to the nearest winery an and d received from grapes T apes g 10 to W 30 pe per r ton for them since prohibition he sells his grapes at the beares nearest t railroad shipping point or on the vine for from 40 io jo 12 a ton and much more for fancy lots when a california winery paid more than 26 25 for a ton of in the old days it was getting something rather choice grapes of wine from california last year choice shipments grapes frequently sold in the re new W york market at prices close to ton so great is the demand and so liberal the price that some a shipments have been profitably sent to market by express at tit a it coet cost of 90 a to ton n for the railroad trip wp alone shipment of wine grapes from california in considerable began several years before national prohibition state quantities prohibition in other ler places destroy destroying ipg the markets there for cal wine fresh from the wines made madei a 1 demand for grapes vine but in 1916 the annual shipment of wine grapes from the had reached less than cars cart in 1921 with a poor crop state filled more than cars can in 1922 despite the greatest they of the california fruit trade wine of in the history shor shortage tage cars can totaled dose to sli shipments probably and juice grape grapes 8 th these ese figures include a coulder able quantity of gnp gracee of va varieties cam car fletieS that were not used for beverage macfair to any ex lent tint in the old days |