Show rime yields t small returns thieves end their careers irren of money says an old detective k wall a burglar jim york 1111 lle lie apartment L WA lato lal U ur son ont in flew w to get at one of 1 I something ni ething that I 1 lul for the als I 1 be to the burlar burglar prefer prefers money tl eimo ote and next to money AIDS wit dace it may be earll easily I 1 car 4 ill and land quickly tume turned a in into to 10 CrIM such as the bur rold 1 up man or pic pickpocket k pocket acau iney and it 0 what w at touch at to dp with their ill gotten w weal balth ha asked the letlon est lons are ro often tf burlou persons ab crook a ti be a it pay pity Ws S itry point of view asked nn tin we will assume detective tole to been fairly sue tb thief lias ban a lj a ills pur pit sult that be he bm has sue uc long time in not being ed for a lt ind and that he baa has me met atwith with generous rewards any pretty i tat if he be will give you 0 a ed nhon hon will tell you that crime affer o 0 standpoint la is a bad sad 11 monetary Bone tary allure failure I 1 have known many it csome of whom were regarded it shining I 1 bights of their probes lid lad I 1 never knew any of them to to any real money or to die dle llort volt thieves 1 when they the IF come end of their e are a clean ut is 11 a church koufi aabey the type of thief known dence mail fare fares ai as we well 11 aa as of oft tiem ire topper toppers a aa A we have at times fleeced their vie tute luro sums to lad nd it might be bd supposed aup posed that 4 cond coid dence men after making hauls would be on F easy fasy street u i long on time to come but auch ti is it he tease case X card sharp out of luck face went to a well appointed i a rivers riverside ide drive to arrest orrest a id bence en to man i ho was as wanted in an mot otte I 1 arrived at the house at tit abour i hour v ith the tile warrant tor for his in I 1 t ue he v iiii m 1 hang ing in a sumptuous i ment sad u japanese servant at d to bis his H u ants the la japanese pariese in A id me that his ilia master had retired mir he ille tabt and hat that aa its I 1 was a art r it would be impossible for fr rp ed ct mr so and so f course I 1 vi was as not to be so easily r aind dand I 1 myself into the ta a the crook then entered the L baffas be was dressed in light flannels affred inured to be a cultured edu gentleman tnt leman he ile waa was highly in ant because bemuse I 1 had forced myself f C rid h till ij privacy and he threatened arow me out if I 1 did not leave leare ira im lately ildy I 1 him the warrant id lit ie shrugged his shoulders resign reslo led all al right he said since the it i with ith you ill I 1 ll 11 accompany XOU you it tt tny car tubs 1 I 1 gave him an op mil to pack up a few necessary aing the fellow was a card be he had recently returned from pr it beach where he said he had as a wealthy idler and hobi bobi bla with he had a little money out of his adaven few thousands but he was at his poor luck ard rt sharps used to work the big jl 4 liners and for a time they did M well ell but too many complaints I 1 made against them and they were adden den to go aboard the big steam t the same experience happened them on the fast transcontinental aw trains and at the big hotels 1 discovered cle covered that they were 4 men and that they were V i wery frery where they went they 1 80 reduced to penury that they i up card playing as its a live lila u go to about making a living attly ly mutt rt count on an the split aw ud 3 then a burglar may make J lood good haul he must go to a r 1 to dispose of hia mai loot and the gives him the lowest possible w it it the burglar will tell abat w bis big Is anything but a well profession the sarce may be 1 of ibold holdup ap men inen who are reported bl hauls in such robere ev chere are five or six men that fortune fact must he go divided among during the division diri dIv glon Islon of the a quarrel not infrequently tahoe takes place and later perhaps one or alao of the thieves loe lose their ihen the thi evel find themselves thera elve object objects of suspicion if they are not actually being watched or followed they imag imas ine that they are the Ill gotten fortune burn bums into their boul pouts and they are pretty sure to squander cander eq or loee lose it in a short time the no ordinary thief Is dreadfully bard hard up most of the time and often hai has not tho the price of a cup of coffee or a plate of soup he ile cannot rob and plunder every night rith with impunity half the time be he has ha to seek bli his cronies to borrow sufficient for ble his immediate need needs when are in fund funds it ie is not for long they gamble buy dope or spend their money among women who ore are n not ot particular about a fel fellow lowill pt anding or antecedents if he can buy them food or drink and treat them to a round of pleasure in the cab WIN nl ft I 1 have ner known a thief lu ili kiep money for lunt lung they reany hat hit it in dial lonest 1 that it nin carl bring aka no lik look and have to I 1 0 II 11 ni quickly as b rauno it burno fliter tin Il nili linds they know it I 1 Is dirty ninna |