Show 4 I IIi N VS Ii THE TIIE SEMI SEMIWEEKLY i k WEEKLY EIL I iI i 1 1 P NEWS IT H 1 THE GREAT l COUNTRY PAPER OF 01 THE WEST WESTI lj j p Is I Monday MonJay and Thursdays Thursday r and ana and Contains All the Cream or of the thc Daily and Saturday News r rc f Alive Bave your money when you set ret et n a LI 1 dollar deposit lt It U with ohi and Trust Co Salt City 11 1 Utah Ulah Joseph Jo Jot V 1 Smith t LJ i corga M Cannon Cashier I 1 I I V VI r I C S MARTIN COAL CO COi COUI tl UI i nock flock no ek Cattle oat 1111 1 jl and md nd Clear lump I nut ut and lack Iluk I r i I i it t I I Th Grip 1 i lift ne toro forn WP w 1 can call with lIb I It Hf Iff must mIt mn t hR nf No o on all 1 mi fl the th nt upon I in n attack of ot o the thu rI II he h has h hid hd d I I j ih he actual I There Is I probably I f A DO O 0 dl IU so 0 much mU h t c ind mental or which whit no Ik 1 fully ully medical aid ald ld All H danger from ho hn h how vi r f may nta b 3 tI by 1 the V us u of or Cough lt nm m I t J 1 Ay dy 1 Among the tenn of or who wh I I jie Me 8 used this thiN t not tot one on e se hai hll I i I iver hen been reported that has hag hn resulted in 11 I I or that has hn iU not recovered For Por r lab by all druggists tJ I On the tobIn tablet ot of nil 1111 nut first class clan ef r I Uld Daker Bread DItA o Rev Carlisle P D 0 Martin O at 01 writes writ Of Ot O a II morn ing when lint first n I often orton n i trou lIOU of oC which pro 11 duces dU f a and l I t very ry b ird In to d eI lm IO lode K hut but a ii mall ot If II rI will at Pt o It th Is I over 11 I 1 iw of oC no that Is t to I 1 it ct kind It I Ic ao till t tiP In tak I ran nil moat cordially co v It I to tu nil nt persons ue a 11 fur C lr nr I lung trouble So 10 c It and II W Hold Hokl by 15 Z C JI U 1 I Iru Irv i HII IF n 1 Scratch scratch unable to 10 attend to during the Ull clay dy lIa or 11 lep durIng night Itching horrible pla Ilp iii Never fall fath At any an drug ru ator to Q cents BINGHAM AND RETURN ICO 1 CO Via VIII D R Fl G 0 Goo Jan J train SnIt SAt Ice e at nt 6 p Po w Im Murray Murry IT Returning Ipat hili It itam Iam about midnight hERI Ora K IC t of it I 1 excursion at your our own on I X L 1 Furniture Co Removal I le A complete stork of at the Ille halt bret dek a and a man tu LU bow you OU hiv It to 10 get lIel et the te thet bent beaU t results r UL The Supply Co no noo o oClO I 60 ClO o Wot 2nd South SLICK AS GLASS CLASS Ice lell at lUnk Hink Fifth West and FIlth North streets I I CHURCH NOTICES I 1110 regular ot oC tho Liberty Stub will be he held helot at al 3 p m us In the ho I Second ward artI meetinghouse m A full Attendance Is de lie sIred W President Secretary The rho Priesthood l of at ulrike will hold hoki regular monthly meeting Friday the ith Int at lit 7 30 p 1111 in In the Twentieth meetinghouse It Is I expected that President II K F 10 Smith will ba lo present and address thu meeting W H WJ ITH JOHN JOliN M i Ti r roe monthly of ot the tile Planter take Inke School union will be bt held In the tho stake tak halt hall Monday l July 13 l I at nt p IJ m 11 All 11 Sunday school aro 1110 to bo bJ pres moe present ent 1111 M I Stint Rupt JISI ISSI J Secy The regular monthly of ot the stake Sunday School Seit union wilt wiltho I ii bo ho held hell Monday evening Helling Jan IG 11 at itt S Sp Sp Sp p m ft In lit the ward worl meet tibet I All thI 11 anti and teachers teacher of thu Ihl aro requested to bo bl present OKU IlO II H Supt A J 3 S Secy Beey I Taken InkeN the burn out heals the wound wound cures curci tho the pain linEn Dr Ur Thomas Oil the household remedy Have you yo seen cen great mill end enit sale cab suits from tram Z 5 G to 40 for tor 20 All Imported goods goode and remember III fit 01 or no sale Daniels the tailor 57 67 west Second bouth A MACHINE FOR WOMEN should hould be he the best obtainable The Singer Is ha acknowledged ed the lightest running most moet durable nut and convenient ot 01 any Look for tor the red S 43 fa South Main St Salt Lake City Utah Scrofula the Cause Caule catarrh hip disease na white swelling mid and even consumption have hn e their origin In scrofulous conditions With the slightest taint of scrofula lri In the blood there Is Ic no safety The reme rene remedy Ily dy for this thiM In nil all Its lis forms Is la Hoods which goes oe to 10 the root of tho the trouble and expel e peli all nil im tn impurities antI and disease germs from tho Iho blood Tho The best family cathartic Is la Hoods Pills Pilla NOTICE OTICE N V Any ny family wishing to adopt four fout bright children two girls and two boys boye apply a to the iho Presiding Office Suit Lake Lak City Utah SALT LAKE PHOTO SUPPLY CO Developing Finishing Main Inn and 3rd So BOOKLETS Chase 29 19 Main MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC After Atter three months rest res I I am nm am again In business bu anti expect to get Rei your our trait trade for tor tM following reasons That my m experience In the Moat Meat Trade extends over a u period of ot 30 years near nearly ly I 2 years earll located on Main street op 7 1 C M T 1 I That everything sold soh at nt my Market U Is of oC the best quality That should you phone your orders onion or call at It my Market or send end a child the Himo uniform treatment II be accorded That Thai you cnn CAn dep nd upon tho the price weights being right That hM I have hn e built hullt a n spacious store spick and on pan nan on my ray own niva premise with facilities attached for tor handling hay hn straw grain and all silt salt That you ou can depend on prompt de livery li tr flOUT RaitT Globe Globo Established hed ISSI Doth phone 79 and iSI State Slate St GRAND BALL liven OIIn by b the tho Hand at the thu Armory on Ol street Went t Toni Tom lie Ill bet and Third South Houth eve tOe couple couI i GRAND CRAND D SOCIALIST CELEBRATION C E I E B R AT I 0 N NAt 1 At January I th Inaugural Banquet and slid Hall Ball Sp train leaves Snit gait Liiko City II at nt 7 p i f m 11 n Returning leaven Bin ham hm nt at a It in III via IR tile the D 0 It II n IL J for tor the round trip nit loads at your our ova on price I X L 1 Co Removal nl ale aleNO NO Hlll K M ih B i Sail bid South Phon AND in n ALL ML AT S KINDS IiI DS ons AND MW OnD URD 6 Sf ds 11 Grain FU FLur FIur ur IMo Corn nile tIt f 1011 u Mini See SMI S Bt I t Sons Son Ik t n ANO MW DESIGNERS I DE EO ENO CO CUTS FOR FOll FORIn all til i 71 21 and S J W V So Temple t r Some Jome Folks I Jt Still i Use se Candles I 1 I And a tood man many folks continue to Jo do thin in n the Ii ways MoJe can hould try the want ad way vay of doni doin donito thin redu to t i ter to rim M FOR ESTATE If It you huyn 1111 n i or tel lot Ion for sale MIl til Hut It with us t elfin 11 CO 78 t S W 2nd nd H ITI li 0 IP IF YOU vOIr HAVE itA J A PORTION WE WV will h lo ho tI a 1 home or 01 hullIn lot Itt lotIf If Jr ou want n it u list lilt property us tm II sod Ant we WI will III let get you yell nil ill casH cath I TRIST SA CO to 6 8 10 West cl First South HIllh 81 st no nol SEE sim l HOUSTON THE n 3 Multi Main Street I AM At GOING TO ERECT Et CT 0 t MODERN MODEm hOU d un orl 3rd 31 St tat between 0 end Ind Pi 1 P two of 01 them started Look them over and tto HO It If anything like them was wa ever even constructed for tor solo sale In this thin city My prices price and ant terms anti aro reasonable It I you Intend Retting getting a n new homo home nod want to feel tepI sate BaCe as an to tho thio call cal on m toe me and talk th matter over oven overA ovenA A 19 IS t We West t let 1st South Phones 61 WILL HELL f I L YOU H AT AT 41 A BARGAIN it vacant lots lot a 1 cal a gl or a model house In any part palt of or the tho to city cl Jas Ja K Shaw Sha under uller Walker Bros Uros Dank Bank UtY 1311 Y AND A N SELL ImI S REAL mA It I ESTATE through Cannon annon Cannon IS Eu tat Fat t South Tempi Street WE n SELL SI IT REAL ImA ESTATE ESTAT tiLts ill all 11 Tuttle Tulo hiros red ball bali Lal cigne 13 hI Main ln St StIN StI StIN IN I OR on SEMINO St P THE TiE HANel REAL mAI ESTATE INV CO Suite 21 D 1 F I 1 Walker FOR SALE SALEN NEW N WAGON tIU t J H 1 Jutes Jews JOfs r W V North Temple St lit StA HtA litA A lt 0 c h hand and fixtures In Iii one of ot tho the best Lest towns In Inthe Inthe the elate of oC Idaho Idah All AU first rt class clans cl ss un up to tu date dute new Improved Ing Ins scales Ul cash register t r oak counter show cusS cases A class clua up tip lp to date gnu pru ro st etro iio now nw doing n a nice h For ur full rul address H K F E f Price Pa Pt laele yette ele Idaho ABSOLUTELY NEW WAY VAY TO MAKE 1 bread ht hold necessity big bil profits healthy nourishing delicious plan plait p f 11 Jl 1 1 Address Salt SaIl I Luke ake Supply Manufacturing ing log Co 53 13 3 1 CARDS CAlDR FOR FOlt JOI SC e GOV GOT GOVernment moment nt 18 It I Is honest This valuable aluah plan nhan Ian for tor It 1 Address Postal lostal Supply Cu Cuo o City V JACKS STALLIONS JENNIES JENIS ANt AND W horses for Cor salo at Utah Ad Address tIres dress Estat F D 1 XV Yaw Utah Itah 10 ALMOST AI NEW Nt HOT BLAST stove for tor 1 S 2 2 E l let lat South Street 1311 DIRECT C CURRENT MOTOR speed volt 01 with wih rheostat and controller and 1411 direct current motor speed l ed 37 with wih rheostat and controller also 1180 I 1 rheostat and controller r till nil 11 y new n nt ot a n bargain ar aln Enquire News Neis Business l Office HOUSE 4 SIXTH West Test cheap chap Hay Van Cott Coto 7 Na flank Bank Building AT YOUR YO n OWN ON PRICE tn carT and ranges j I x L t Fur Furniture Co removal sale eale V OLD OD NEWSPAPERS FOR ton WRAPPING once cent per pound Apply App Deseret News New Office fr JACKS FOR SALE JACKS BOTH nOTH SPANISH AND Mammoth brett bred from Crom the tho thus Blue Bue Grass of or Kentucky Raise Mules Nules Mules s tire the Gold Cutt Standard the prices tell sell these e le Jacks Horses taken Ik n In exchange me ma nt ot the Healey House Ogden II W WV DUNN DUN DUNFOR FOR RENT r HOUSE LYV HC ENQUIRE m West Wet ih th South Phones Phol Wjk tsik or 2 ROOMS AND KITCHEN O RN 11 South Tilt ih last Kant Street Str J HOllm lOUS Er r a E EAST AST South SouthA A SINGLE OFFICE ROOM IN DES ms DESeret eret News New Atine A ne Apply Deseret Deenet set News Neis Business SINO HEWING Ht IO MACHINES 1 3 iRR Ign MONTH MONT loTi White office 23 t W 1st tt S 8 St St Phone TEL 27 2 M HOUSES ALL AiL PRICES P FA Ar AND KINDS DS Tuttle lines Bros W 19 Main St SI Red lied td Ball CALL ALt AL UP VP TIL tn 27 FOR FOP HOUSES STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The annual meeting of ot tt th h of ot the th und Machine Company will 1 b hi held at ut the lie te office State t f I lIke bake City nn elm 01 rIy 11 n t Hut 4 at a I 3 n fl V m tub II Tle The f Cur r which saul said lah meet meeting I et ing Is called co 11 are arr aT to receIve r reports of or th the President anti and minI un I to transact any an such oilier buln as may nia lawfully la IV Cul mm cottle COIf l before fore still suhl ll meeting 11 ia V MELVIN D 1 I EIS Cooperative C Furniture Notice Is gIen that the will wil until hold a I a meeting at their office atIe NosY Nos lo to 31 1 South Maui Main alu Street on ue February 1 eth I nt at lt f 6 p I m for tor the lbs Ile of or nine directors and nn to t I suc cr rr tI meeting as a nay Ia properly conic come before thi th W N WILLIAMS Kecy See SEALED PROPOSALS ls for tor Douglas Itah T hi t Dec Jo he 9 n U S a Id Proposal I will 11 t 4 r CI iv l hero her until urt 11 1 a m rn January td i l I then opened for tor fi r iti tn ng int an material to tn con cona a R with wih lt nad c of cv rt with ll 1 and nd t timis according c tJ I Ipat pat pana pa und find rd specifications 10 to be teen seen In the tho th Nn i of cc t ae h p at Fort rort Doug hs lu Ul h and the tho chief t lIt of at he Ito h Colorado C lorat Denver Colo 1010 where application for Cor further Information m f be addressed The he government re ic reserves ro rolt serves lt the th right to accept or reject reJet any In an or all al bids bide or any an part pan r thereof En In elope containing bids f to he b marked muk Proposal for Constructing Granary and addressed The o Quartermaster Fort ort DOal Utah I MOVING PACKING SHIPPING HEDMAN VAN y A STORAGE CO COonly only OIly 11 lJ Him flint in Itt tho th city tl and tou Cal Ilm 1 trolling Hi itS II own Owl tenniS teams I Ite ete ware r two to Ir v 1 nouns export expert rl packers packer con can IU I nU goto 3 lU lo any In part art ot of octie tin the 01 of oftie anu ott save uv you jou motley money erb IU 1 mole tie Sew iii n 5 tr w oik lk k correspondents in Iii ai 11 Have flavo II If H I t U want your youri our rut I lie principal cities you i jodi snipped from any polite point cantor or 01 ul otnel see Sl UH US UN tiN our with Un large larg concerns I make It to nu O I ou oil y will III trouble truble Of Ottice nee lIU lT JiS t uel ct hon s WANTED WA BPI AKINO Jol ms Dillon 1 as iH WIIt ot Ut otT t i A WM i T rL ro b i madu adu vIi 1 naUry paid VU ever N ry po or locations tIti us Ud usler the ler 01 em 11 nl W t L L l 1111 south h breI him bai t iKi City i MUST Uh DE IN 1 VIM Iv good D clum size durees Last Coal 1 let H co I i WANT WANTed ed Cd d So o State k kI UTAH I JUt JUNK i CO Pl rubber paid for tor or scrap Iron rags bottles bottes copper coper brats brans etc elc U 63 t li 80 lo Tel 21 TEAMS TF IS WN V WANT W 1 mediately I ten temi good teams tea to haul eon coal coal coalL C L I 8 H Martin Coal Cual Co Cv V HELP WANTED FIRST CLASS STENOGRAPHER PO roo cIties clerical Fine of 01 ad nl II lat lo tu rl ht party Address 39 9 No NII Noise s sAN d AN N EXPERIENCED GulL FUll KOR Ol m JI eral housework Mrs lr J Wilt Will 1 hay Gray 11 T T 0 e Street SwelA St V VA V V A CAPABLE FOR Ot housework hOI rk Phone honc I l hut Ind lilI I Imn VT tr SHOE Slop Shop fOI Ea II t Temple Steady employ employment ment FOR FOlt JOn JOB priming Box 10 1373 News NB Street A GIRL I IN S SMALL ILL 60 6 FIRST SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN IN 1 IO NG sheet hN on United States Geological Sir Sur Survey vey ny desires I lr engagement nl Immediately with Rn corporation as ma W Unman lineman or Alt n cs 1 n ft Kown MOVING AND STORAGE V VAN AN STORAGE CO COID COl COIG ID IG l W Vt First South Street Both Phones CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH CASH REGISTERS nl OS OScar OScar OScar car Groshell sales ulos agent for Cor Utah Expert cash register repairing No U Main SCAVENGERS UTAH SCAVENGER CO OFFICE rear I E Mh So lieu Bell Hel phones 2931 and Goodwin Ira SALT BAtT HA LAKE SCAVENGER CO OF 01 flee nc Atlas Alls Block oct Basement B ement Tel Tl ICO 10 KEEN i SANITARY CO OFFICE 67 iv W IV WIM IM let I t South Routh Hell Bell Bel Tel Ind DAIRIES EMPIRE E DAm DAIRY pAlm H Ii f N STANDISH Manager 1 E 2nd nd South St St Bell 3 nel huh Ind I Bottled milk mik n a specialty PIPE FEET ALL It SIZES UP TO Toa J 8 INCItES INCHES ICHES ALL AIL kinds machinery steam eam end electricity J 1 M SWEM MS South Third West St AND REPAIRING BETTER lET GET THAT COUCH AND chair chaIn reupholstered and Will Wil Wildo do tto It right for tor you S 8 L I I Mattress UC CO Phones h HOTELS LINCOLN HOUSE Cs East Ent EI t First South Roles Bates c c and SOc tOc Paul laul Heln Prop h WATCH REPAIRING AT HALF OF 0 REGULAR PRICES for Cor 2 years scars N w V expert watchmaker 53 13 t W 2nd South St Se V Open evenings TRUNK MAKERS MAERS MAIERS Trunks Suit Cases Casee and an Leather Goods at lt lowest lowet prices In city el L I 1 O 0 Hoggan ItT ItTa H Main St Repairing n a specialty lil u Phone u CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Cottage Celo p and larger residences re built on Installment plan plans rind furnished hed Call 11 or cr wrIts write J W Farrell Builder ICS E I so Phone MASSAGE MRS ms SWEDISH MASSAGE V 42 Pearl Ave 6 Bell nel n Phone Hk CLOTHING MENS ms AND AD YOUTHS OTIS SUITS SPITS ON easy NII eta weekly or monthly hl payments HI Clothing House m tO r East First South St SI SKATES SKATES GROUND N repaIred no etc eto F 1 C Sanford Kl I Slate si Sl SKATE GRINDING IM I E E l 2ND SOUTH 80 fl |