Show THE PROSPECTS FOR FREEDOM IN RUSSIA RUSSIAN N Y Jon Jan 11 on The liue I for tor or In lii at ut time Founders Day 1 Ie at Cor Car Cornell Cornell nell 11 Andrew f fl I White Conner founer am ala to 10 un an appeal to all to light for tor mid to tC t make the hue American republic a I government for fcc nil mill the world wont Our OUI own wn country said Ur Vr White In Is Innot not without great ami us Thi corruption thAt hall baa lIven by b widespread to mooney money Is he I known to the tho wi wrid rid Fortunately WI sm vo have free which allow you sou 01 to tv undermine and attack It 11 l is b not held un up anti and shielded its us corruption In It I h hits hilA b been cn en Mr Wille Vitte continued Dr White In my rn m opinion Is tin only onty man who could stand cOmmit tiny any of at through a l plan ten for a new tinder order of ot things In l of ot on ort bankruptcy anti ami of ot checking civil war On 01 hIm rests tho the motto main the only chance for tor rational liberty The rho out old autocracy can ni never ver return a an nil mm mma n a and math It II Ix Jim riot luot lot Leo much to hope that nr pr pro RUSS gresa toward liberty ilbert will iSilI be he made mude III In Russia somewhat Ike he that In which after a n century or on mote molo of ot sterile revolutions revolution scenic ti tl to have emerged Into a peaceful and nn respected republic |