Show PREPARING fOR jj Grovener Grosvenor of Ohio and Minority Leader Williams Maneuver M For Advantage M i PHILIPPINE TARIFF DEBATE Occupies of or Hie Ihl I I ii I I 0 IlS ami Tim OI II for rOl Virty 1111 I 1 1 Washington Wn Jan 11 4 j bue In lii the hout today loday con 1 moro of party maneuvering for tor or 1 advantageous ous n than l of ot discussion of ot the question nt Issue luul The tariff was WAil the text lext of or o u II speech by hy 1 Mr of Ohio who vho begu beu l j debate of an ati extended reply l hy by y Mr 11 thu minority lender I IThe The Th of Mr lr h WM tL with und k with wItti Interruptions front Chump Champ Clark Cark lit whom Mr most roost of ot lila Ills 19 fl nien Mr 11 i u ii rn outlined ou the tho tariff doctrine at DC u thu iD rind nod held hebi that the tho He tariff IM Is not 1101 us ns n wa HO In ci often ott n for tor Ibo Ilio Ih pru nt I of ot the country c To 1 prove this he the tha of ot C and other her nt at the prevent time und nl the th busnes of com coun tries during thu hard of oC Mr AcIno ms of or opposed thi hill hili but bit advocated u II t t the thc t rt o ni in l bulIne Mr of ot t I his hl In III the house honse hou In favor of ot ort t the th pending measure and ami pointed u o of ot toward the growing n of ot ii un in UI the tho hilt bill undoubtedly I will III coe e with the tho BP scallion of ot and the tC be put hut on CU Its lis lt 1 Monday That there inny bo ho no Interruption of ot I tho on thu thuS I tariff bill until It IN III concluded I oCI Friday wan Va Vaby displaced by consent until the tho day after the tho vote voto on all the pending p bill bUt Mr Payne nave gave notice Unit that unanimous consent later Inter ha ho 11 tv en to cIo general debate debute Saturday ho hi u IL vote ole on u a l motion to 10 tocto oClo clone debate when thu the meets Monday II 0 ny Mr Ohio took t loor I In favor of ot the thu bill hili Ho lie reviewed thu ihu cali auKe en of the war and the American people could not then thou their duty dUly No o more can thy they I shirk the con of ot war a pirt 1 of ot on the tho Democratic Party Part Mr Grosvenor recounted the tue Influence of at Mr Ir In III the Ilio nit III cut Ion of ot the tho treaty ut It The ot of ho In per Iler perI I the pirty an ns thi titi of ot no Democrat haa hn that party larh the tho day lIay ot of Andrew However 1111 Tr Grosvenor repudiated otea for fot the Iho 1 bill hili bIttIe lIe Ie dill did not want such vote for the tho pending lull bill lI did 1111 not want II votes when they were gIven nn fin the that It a Met In Inthe Inthe the direction of ot fito tn Let them th m ride In III the car not lIat In tile first class with me ne he ho clad Ind would bo he the Iho chances of ot o pas pasIng I log InK this Ibis bill hIlt without our votes quer queried led ed Champ Clark ClarkI I 1 think they would ba be very cry good 1 replied Mr Grosvenor It If nil nit voted sote against It 1 think go so goWell 0 Well you linol better hetter set get et down to ciphering on that gang over oer there who sore trying to defeat de rent It R concluded Mf Mt Clark Oh I dont cipher retorted Mr Grosvenor who explained that toe 1111 be he believed that It If his hili were to tn vote voto n the tho lull bill they would do ItO no II o from an nfl Impelling force Corco against th r better etler judgment Is la not Hot that Impelling force wee the time ma nia machinery chinery of nt the tho organization on lion of this thlu I house asked Mr Cork Carle Oh no imo declared Mr Grosvenor r I Isaid said Bald times who vho Were Mere to vote vole tho thu hill bill The gentleman has luos got gat his Im him force at the time wrong vron end of ot the tho rope f PhilippIne ns as nil n poor Jar miserable stuff by Iw Mr Ores venor and although his hilI state raised f tobacco he ha did not fear competition from the Philippine h would not Foil cehi In III tte tIc Cincinnati markol for or any ally anything I I timIng thing 1 Would the Ihu rend fend a 1 box ot or otIlia orI I 1 hoe Ilia average Manila to a oo volt eon constituent voto oto ho lie wanted 7 ticked asked Air lIr of or Ohio Well I t dont tIon smoke but bit I would tint not south Komi them to my toy Interrogator tor mr laughingly ly replied Mr MI Grosvenor tome tomie of ot till the which I have bim b 11 so Id toga I mis t tin the Philippines I ii ii I In tho 1110 debate debute Mr tIr Ir said none non of ot unit thrill I emu ahod tit things tutu g en r tol by h Daniel Webster r against lIme tho t t nt ot time the It II nod and by II the tho I I I believe ho tin continued Coil tile the Philip ihm hi hil l firm Islands 1 will out of ut the I greatest Jewel III In tho crown od nfl Ameri American can call achievement Mr declared Ids lihi I of or remainder of lit his hili re I to lo the tho will ill for tI J tariff t revision did ho ht want raitt to 10 reply to Mr Ir lark Clark regarding his hili t lion lieu In III a n recent speech from book b of ot James CI 0 which hn was n 1 t I ot or the time plat platform a form torm of ot 1891 that a Democratic thrift has ha always been heen followed by II basinets t 0 adversity a ft tariff by ity bust boat I JIMS prosperity I J t Mr Clarks quotation of ot Mr 11 lie he IC contended hud not Included the tho t f I con comi context 11 r i text which needed to make immke the If t statement rain pie to Mr Ir Grosvenor i substantiated the remarks of ot Senator i f I Dolliver that Mr had yielded t t I to the senate on the tho of or differential t thou on sugar leaving It II high that It might be used In securing reciprocity I j I i treaties with pahn I I I Massachusetts was the time next subject I of ot Sir Mr remarks I He Ito went vent on all to II show how that notwithstanding 1 standing the tho cry for free tree raw mater material r ial lal there was now In u IL II of ot prosperity i I j Mr 11 Sullivan Sull n of oi Massachusetts Inter InterI I r r to mention u n number of Iron and J goss works which ho hit salt said l had hlll gone nut out of r It under the time Dingley tariff r ti f There Thero were plenty of or those which hind had grown Immensely I i I Jt i under that tariff along the locia heln river replied r Mr It Massachusetts he sold said should I It ber the Ne Never IT go o II buck back on oil n them themI j I t I I tri that brought you up iii by b hand I What hat hand Interjected 1 Minority l Lender Leader Williams The hand of at God Goil anti tho time I I party was H UN tin quick reply When th the if F 7 laughter had 1 Mr Ir mid midI t I want to 10 recognize the unusual 1 magnanimity nf ot the gentleman In nam acm naming I ing lod md joist JURt as tic the senior menu memo ber of ot the firm OrIn Laughter I I 1 In answering the reference of ot Mr fr frI hi I Clark to President eulogy ii i of Thomas II 11 n Bell ton for tor hit hIs tight to 1 I put pout salt lIlt on the tree free list Mr Ir Grosvenor I 1 1 claimed that fenton wits was hitting only uh u Un i nt lit alum salt colt It A general colloquy tel fol In III M belli Mr Clark anti and other I Democrat tS ehi that thai New Neu Jot got ot a so rebate on 1111 foreign salt with which they cure their Huh lMh tI h where whereas as liP the tho western meat ment packer has haa hn to 10 use protected fait palt Mr the minority lender leader r fol tal followed lowed luwell Mr h Grosvenor Under the time pend pending log InK bill hili he welcomed to the Democratic party time the Orestes Mr Ir Payne UK 1111 ht Ulysses UI OIl Mr I Discuss Discussing log InK our In time the Philippines Mr lr WillIams William exclaimed Curse the tho hypo of ot tho the follow fellow who tells me Ino that God nOlI iut put us UR In the Philippines No Nobody hotly body but hut n a hypocrite would say RII cn It und mind unholy nobody hut hilt a II fool tool would It American greed American cupidity for tor prestige anti and conquest anti ami to be ie colon a n world power Jower went there ho tue ridded Mr Ir asserted 1 that It did not neeti u a prophet to tea see that the party was not going to revise UK thuc tariff The Tho Republican party In Its present decadent condition has hul neither the brains nor the Ih courage tr to In remedy remey the tariff anti that Is IH it the reason why wh you lire tire going to ti have a n Democratic house of if It representatives nt at the next election lie lio said Oh you YOU he contin conlin continued your absolute contempt t for tor public und anti absolute trust In Inthe inthe the on rules and the com committee nn on ways macann und and your little coterie lucre here In Washington you Imagine that there thera Is III no outside world orld but there thero Is IR an tun outside cv f n In Massachusetts e tl man manfrom from Ohio mill Mid was brought up tm by hy hand on time the tariff thero Willi wac a II bottle of lit pap given her early and nit nil that Jdie hud hul to do was to suck slIck Asserting Ironically that he lie would show that the tho tariff luau had pro produced prosperity In Canada Mexico and time the Argen Argentine tine ns as well eli as 1111 III In tho United States Mr 11 Wit Wil Williams liams linnis reviewed tho he t greatly y Increased production and commerce of ot these coun nicE niE The Tho Democratic faith Um upon the tariff Mr r Williams wild sold could be to expressed In ho a ui few words First a tariff Is n a 1 tax III It Il Is 18 n it tax tux on 01 01 the consumer third mill all taxes ought n tic 1111 nearly as ns pos pOI possible sible to tn bo he I lual in ho proportion to the capacity of ot the taxing power iiO w cu curite The rite genuinely Ideal Idral Democratic tariff would put hut all 1111 sorts of ot Imports Into three lined general classes necessities luxuries On necessities nece n Ii very cry low how tariff would be levied p per r rImps Imps italic some Borne ot of thu tho prime necessities of ot lire life would be he on the tho free tree list Hat On lux urles diamonds wines IIII and muon the like would be lie taxed to the smuggling point Upon comforts com torts nn till Intermediate tax Int would bo ho levied It Il Is he II necessary Mn first to tn find nil out gut how much money mone Is necessary to run the government honestly and ani economically 1111 levy loy the tax tux to meet that sum Then you Oll will have Ime this thin question ret right and nut nn 1 until It Is settled settle right It will wilt still be he agitated Just Mr 11 concluded cI ho poured out a n thunderstorm ni M niMr Mr Mi 1 to enor put hut It In paralleling the thu of ot UM In this country witch when lie Re publicans had In listul Id to In tree tIre trade to similar I hit conditions I I ions In Canada anti and the tho countries of lit nil all of ot which he ito wild bo be due Clime to anticipated victory In tho the election of ot Mr Mu l Cleveland the Democratic tariff tier dor In trine nil mull of ot which he hr tm said Mill wn old and III worn out omit Mr Ir Adams of tiC Wisconsin followed Mr ir Williams He lie sold raid the of his hili state while pro iro protectionists believed a 1 revision and re nf of existing tariff conditions should 1 bt be b made nt a t t ii iii time AH As to the tariff ho Ime declared It to 10 bo ho hon bon n a business tI question anti suit said he ho saw rigor Ina of Its It II belli treated nt its such Huch by hy byboth both parties Mr Ir n a 1 new now member from tr lm California Call torn III who WOK amt with the Toft ex Ix of or the tint Philippines favored the tho bill hili The Tho only criticism ot of American administration In the Philippines that could be he made he declared wits was that un we had gone ahead n II little faster than the tho people of ot the Islands were capable of ot going i Mr 11 Mci pictured Japan on the verge of lit u IL general Industrial career and predicted that the time victories In tut trade trado would he be us astonishing as those thop on the of ot Manchuria All pt cC her manufactories ho he said paid were seers being equipped with tho the latest American aunt and machinery 01 Howver on only only ly Iy one line machine of ot u to kind la is bought hought the Clue Japanese them elves others from these theto the u models at much less COlt cost limn I ha mu lie tho Ih I machine tue At B fj the adjourned un until tit til tomorrow |