Show ADING INFORMATION I II I ama i iSono H Some Sono public tacit Men havo a II US capacity for work ork H lolor Dubois Dubol for went tent to the 1111 with the Jat party luring during tho tIme short stay clay In III the lie hil found time to tori ascertain ri wIth Infallible precision lon the time views and Fen lime ntH of ot every ocr on one of ot the inhabitants there thele In addition to time the ot of the onerous duties of It If feasting nod speech milking making Wo Vo lin hi hl his own 01 worth word for tor It II In nn an article III In the III Washington Stat Star he h says pays its 1111 In III the Lime Sacramento flee Dec lJ e of Jim Jun 8 All Ail the time FilipInos with the exception of or If tho IIIi lire are holding position O un der del und mind drawing pittance trout from rom our mair KOV gor favor for a II of their o n There Is scarcely c un an exception macon them The lending leaching alan the th are wonderfully bright and nut intelligent and thai have great Influence over lIver th the leopie l Ml ih 11 of the time leading and t d 11 Filipino outside l le of lit the time official cial believe hell they Ih eon can maintain an ant Independent t government Here It will lw he I oo the Intimates thet he lie knows to 10 a n dot did ot what all 11 the Filipinos are tJ In favor of ot are no lean ices titan than seven millions of or them theme PO so the gigantic of ot ofIn In Itt his of or the thu preferences of ot every one of or them may nitty be In his nv of time the sentiment ot of 0 nit nil time the Filipinos Filipino time the truthful found scarcely nn no exception showing time Ilia minute thoroughness which the na was conducted between the b banquets n iu tu It will b be I that the they y n tor found time thins during lurIng the few fett days of or bli tiis visit 1111 to the Inlands to classify th the people there ann Willie simile he ascertained that every fer on Olio OIW of ot the seven millions favored a ti government of ot their own he hI henl nl nisi o round found that ill I the tho leading and an Filipinos with some ome stated t i t i I l I exceptions believe they can maintain I In nn UI n Independent government Then Thero must be many thousands of df lending mith educated Filipinos und mind to Inter Interview view chew each ench ono one of it them to so as aN to be lie able abie to o positively what nil ait of them believe bellee exceptIons exception and nil nfl must hav have been the tusk task of u it I Hercules or the tue mantle about abott t It must be he those of ot n a 1 ell To anyone who Wilt is 18 capable of ot think thinking ing tig It IN III clear that t the tho quoted quoted I ed are ns as valueless un as far tar as nH Information ion tion goes Of IN tie U the th gibberish of ot n u talking parrot lInt Hut that U la the time quality of much of ot that which Is 18 given out nut for tor public enlightenment 1 I is thin true of much touch of or that thaI which linn line been MM salt hl an ani l written by b tho Iho bigots who have from time to 10 time Umu combined In lit assault upon tho time Mormon Church They rhe are ure Riv gim Riving 11 lag InK their own Imperfect Impressions ns nil n facts tint perversion lolI and mis or of Mormon teaching as 0 Church doctrine It 11 Is n phy hat men are nrc on account nf fit if mental and auth moral qualities Irresponsible for or what they the say ny lire are supposed to tl bo Ill hoa authority a on questions CIUI es thins of ot national nut Im hu Importance |