Show May He Hc Stage Robbers Ida Aug 2 If time the two tWI men maim who Iho are now In Jail Jull iere await awaiting ing lag Identification by Oregon prove to 10 be the Putties parties wanted In iii Ore Oro Oregon gun gout for foi to holding up a n Stage Binge And lob 1 ling Ing time the United mall mail last June Chief of ot Police Smith of ot this timis city will wil receive the tho reward of ot 1600 which was for their One Ono of ot the time themen men ln J H n Hanson was arrested In hut Inthis Inthis this city a u few days ago ngo Today Toiny om Officer Smith returned from eastern Ore Oregon Oregon Oregon I I gon to which place he tracked and captured the other othol fellow tellow who gives his hi name as its ni J U I Led ford The TIme men melt till 1111 11 the time description to a I dot dol of ot the two tIl Oregon Olegon robbers |