Show I TIlE filE DRUG QUESTION Tho chargo charco la tt matla mala by b that drug stores i to re s and re do a IL largo large business In the tho pale ealo ot of Under n a comparatively Unlit lIght e and thoy they want vant It raised from to 10 1200 1 OO a 1 year and demand that they be bo restrict restricted ed an al to liquor on and anI anIto to women lifter after 1 7 7 p in III and further ask ak that It If this cannot bo be dono the tho liquor II ll conto cen o for tor such Huch be he repealed This Thin matter matte Is Se to bo investigated by the tho committees on municipal and li U license I cense cono combined and tho the parties chiefly Interested Are to lo have tho the logo ICKO ot of before that body bOlly This Thill Is la a II matter of ot public Importance I anti and It should bo ho Ith a aview II III aview I view to the general welfare The ro to roi i rights tights of ot tho the Individuals and I firms fins engaged In tim tho liquor also be 10 token taken Into fair consider I niton atton ThoM who entrust in a II saloon t to pay a saloon license In each cane tho the violation of ot city olty or ordinances orI should be bc followed by the In I diction of ot penalties provided The ques que question Hon tion turns turn primarily on matters matter Of df t fact i IB Ii I It truo true that drug drue tore and nala ate ato doing business in tho the manner alleged It K go so they are violating the tha I law and complaints should bo be JU entered 1 I them and on conviction they thoy j I bo be IJ punished according to tho the measure of ot their offence II That to ID t us u to lo ho bo the most meet course courll cour to pursue Drug storm are permitted to soil oil liquors liquore by II I meas maas measure tire ure under gIon restrictions but they th y yI I nr not allowed to sell by tho the drink ns ne j saloons arc nor ire are they nl ot 0 l liberty to toI I conduct tv ft saloon business hUlln 8 Wo We do not noti i think that they attempt to lo do BO no unless jit It may be bo that they partially engage In this under the tho KUlso of ot what nm called ott drinks It In to claimed that anyone can cnn ob tab liquor mixed with tile refreshments nt I V soda noda fountain by IW IndIct Indicating log ing what ho he wants wante In n a manner monner un tin understood by I the tho It Il Is III atco charged that ladles Ore frequently nerved with such mixed drinks and that too without knowledge of oC o tho the nature of at the mix mixture mixture ture turo It If allegations are nrc true rome romo thing hung should bo ho done llano nt at once to 10 stop tho the evil anti ziko to 10 protect the tho licensed liquor dealer who carries carricK on a II business made male legitimate by hy law lr for which ho pays n II heavy hel Y license Ho Ito la in further restricted from doing business on Hun Bun tiny day mid hOd H Ii liable to a II hilt big flue It If ho hI violates this title restriction Tho Tito drug dm otoro or soda cotta fountain man Inan ii I permit permitted ted to edt Bell his Itis mild beverages oi on Oil Hun Kun day It if ho engages In dispensing liquor On ll that day do ho lie breaks tho the law 1111 calls gailie a 1 financial advantage over tho the keeper which Is its Unfair as ns aswelt welt well as art antagonistic to tho the In Interest Interest Interest terest Fun Tho for tho the evil ovll no nl wo we view low it II IH to not nol In la raising the license rato but butIn butIn In III tho the enforcement of ot tho the ordinance Honda In every Instance Saloon keepers would not 1 Iii he a to 10 sell Hell on Hun day It if their was Increased and nn the tha raising of oC tho the liquor for tor drug stores eIore would not moot tha tho evil 01 of lit f no matter what WhAl figure It should ho bo pinDell lit Rt Joet tho the ordinance In such cane Cne nindo and pro provided vided II be he properly enforced both on and on Oil week day a That Is It what ought to be bo done Ilone doneAs As At to Belling II drinks to women V 1 l P II in rn vo wo do not nol think the point nd ad by ly y tho the saloon mon men In v well oll taken It would certainly b he be n a 1 Brent grent hardship to lattice Indies to be he thrust nut of ot n It 1 drug store or other othor place shero soft drinks ore aro nt III tho the very er times C when many maly mall of ot them Indulge o In III that kind binti of ot refreshment Why h should not notI nota n a I woman or young oung girl take Inke n a drink of 1 noda water nt at 8 S or 9 In the tho evening nil an s freely trealy ns as n In tho the morning or r afternoon As we e have sold tho tim qu cities lIuell Uon ItOH turns turn on the tho t lo teetH In n the tho If It MUff drug cite nio selling I liquor surrell surreptitiously they the violate the tile law whether they the ills do so en morning noon or night They Lire 1110 not to 10 sell tlell liquor by hy th drink nt lit any hour and tho tha ell restriction In reference to women and nn n ft given hour Is out of 01 place when viewed in the light lIht of ot the law lawAs lawAs As Aa to lo wo we do not M MS Me lien how lienthe the ProPosition could b IJ be ntH ml e to 10 voik nt nl alt all It If it a saloon Is In really carried d on by A n r certainly that place ought to ny PY n a license e hut that 1 privilege ge li is linot I not contemplated In the rite rlUe riter r d by Ity h th the ordinance nor dor do w Wol think It Is true that a loon business tic Is H by If It f they thy provide I liquor for tor their patrons on Sunday they should be e liable to 10 prosecution the same earn ns SN 8 a II saloon is hut but this Is 18 saltier a 1 matter for tor police Investigation than for tor a change Chang of ot II 11 cens tees fees The j tRw law the sale of ot on Sunday SundA should be Ira ex exl axe eUI d In lii one otis ease cn e as na welt well nt its In another The Th city ordinance mint be he no tb rc teepee pc c clor lor br of c t r or places m The for tor Intoxicants Is III evl Increasing anti and ant It Is largely lars ly en enId Tr Id no doubt by y the tho serving ot ol such stimulants In restaurants r l al at although though the evil Is IH mitigated by lIy Its It u UIt at nt meals loon Is Instead tn tead at of Imbibing ing iou the fiery lIery stuff at nt saloon liars bars and at III other oilier times than thou when hun Of food fool It 11 Is III injurious In Iii Itself and the tho Is productive product f of ot both moral And physical cal toni bad results Bo So fist ns nR fl the Ih law can aid in arresting It the tho powe of ot the law inn should bo bi exercised Hut nUl tide this Is really a n matter of at general edUcation and antI training over which tho the law has little It If any control However the which h is II al nl alleged legeti lell l to of ot denting dealing out Intoxicants Intoxicants cants under the time of t soft drinks Whether to men inca or women boys or girls Is to 10 bo be utterly condemned and anda a 1 war should l be bo ngod against It not nol by h raising the tho license of ot those thole who vho dis dispense pence pense It which would legalize tho the practice tice but by Ir proceeding against t them under tho the law unlit tho time wrong Is III crud erad eradicated entirely Wu cu hope the tho City Coun Council cil will take up this subject ID iii a tt ju Jim Juet et t and hi itch PU Idle spin ted manner mute r urn it that hut HUdi measures will be itO instituted as liS aswill aswill will to bu to oil nil portion parties concerned anti ami also In Iti tho the Interest und and welfare o othe ot of the public RIGHTS 01 Ul flitS A few days clays ago ngo n a young man malt was heard to say Bay commenting on the Iho situation that It If there thero was anything ho tinted haled It was a eab Icv contempt contemptible Ible hie ha Ito said Is the tue mall ninn va who vIo will take tako way another mans JOB JolI The Tho thus thun Is iii quite general among n a certain ela claw s It Is true truo to 10 this extent that thal anyone lI one who ho will wrongfully take what belongs to lo another even If It the methods employed ar Ir correct Is III contemptible antI auth deserves ostracism among honest tiled men and women And AntI to 10 take tulto job by hy sneaking methods ls Is no better belter than thon larceny or for tor that mat mater matter ter er nut limit It Is la wrong to as tho tIme young man referred to 10 evidently did that thol the tho Jobs the tho strikers voluntarily abandon are oro still etil theirs That Thal Is a 0 misunderstanding which is very Prova lent though grotesquely absurd Tho rho right to strike need not nol bo he die lis cussed That Is to admitted Any laborer who la Is dissatisfied with wages or with the treatment he lie l Is accorded has a n aright right to quit work If It ho lie chooses Nay ho lie line has a perfect right to fo for tor no noren reason ren on nt at all nil It If he lie thinks lit nt to do so fO o provided ho he does not tiny any prom promIses Ices or contracts by BO so doing Hut Hul when ho lie has laid down hl tools censed his 1111 connection with willi bis Imia employer tho the position abandoned Is III no longer his lute He lie has linn then no right to drive dilvo way tho the laborer who would like to take the Job rite Tho employer hns has the tho right to give It Il to anyone that may apply for tor It II COO con concerning corning tItle this plain truth labor agitators succeeded In clouding the tho of ot their tools until they forget all nil differ once unco between mine mimic The Is la picketing Intimidation dation violence and lint till nil tho the rest of o the methods by b which labor tors tore are aro turning w rny ny the hearts of o the general public from train the tho righteous cause of ot labor |