Show on n n i I ciT l THE 7 1 S m 1 The Jle Scottish h Missionary and the Weber eber stake Sunday schools will Join In n nn lilt excursion to Lagoon on Tues Tuell Tuesday lay day till Aug Ul 33 S The Tue Mutual Improvement associations OI of or the thc Liberty Pioneer and Stilt Snit Lake Inlo will wilt sheath spond Trl Fr tIny duy 1111 Aug 12 nt ot S S S The Nineteenth and Seventh wards HI cut n a t most enjoyable day dt dl out at ot Lu Ill goon yesterday Among Amon tho the features WrO oro 10 boat bOElt dancing con contests tests tad and n II ball hiatt IAmO gay lery very child entering the grounds rounds was ns presented with ti a 1 sack eark of ot nuts nut and candy by Iy ho the waid committees S S SIbe Ibe of oC the Iho Cambrian asio ISSO elation will VIII 11 take tako a II cruise on the lake dI on board of ot Cat Capt Davis yacht Cambria II n Tho rho partY part will go 10 o out to on the tho 1 t clock o 0 trait I S S Tho The Utah Federation of or Labor I hor line has halle expended e over In III tho mat lost nine nino months much of which tins has gone Kone to toward ward fitting up Ul tho the now 1101 Temple of ot Labor building at nt Fourth l South and State streets lo 10 o help liquidate this debt hele will be bl h 1 picnic nt ot Caldera park hark next Saturday 1111 already a IL largo large of tickets have been bee sold Bold S S I The Sunday school chool annual picnic I will bo be held at Liberty park Aug AuB C Ii Cand c cand and tree free transportation will bo be furnish furnished ed cd to nit nil who are oro nt at the thu church not lIot later hater than 10 30 a n m to mAt mAt toS S S S SAt At Lagoon to tod lily l there hero will be n a unique reunion of 01 natives of ot the tho South seas who have hlo labored In Inthe Inthe Inthe the Pacific isles and the tho Antipodes Among the tho features will Ihl be native dances songs by b guitar so o lOll hoe by Moons by b climbing trees canoe races between girls and numerous other attractions In the tM after afternoon afternoon noon ii tI 1 ball game ganie between New Zen Zea Zealand en land 1111 Tahiti and Samoa Hawaii under tins till supervision of ot Del t I is At Sp Dip ini the general CM ell wore to which In Include Include clude elude addresses from prominent Church music solos and selections B by b ll band Iron from alt all over the State canto came In lit thIs thin morning bring bringing lag ing hundreds of lit people bound for or Ln La Lagood good Tho committee which hits has the tho excursion In III Ii charge Is made up UI of oC tho the follow Ing John Johns T 1 Collie chairman II H 8 S Cutler Frank Cutler Adelbert Adeibert Matthew MaltheW Noall NoalI Eugene EUIene M Cannon Cennon r F l E 13 Mor Morris MorrIs Morna ris na S S a az Z 2 C e M II I closed its ft doors at 1 I today and ovary every employs from trout teamsters to superintendent went vent out to Sa on what tho the Englishman calls the tho annual This does docs not mean inca to tn Infer Inter that constituted ed cd tim refreshments because in lii the tho bas baa by every overy head of at a II family faintly and some of or the tho contained sonic some of ot the tho daintiest lunches that have hava beet been spread nt at the tho beach this season Soon after arriving the tho program which wits was givin In III last News Neils was commenced and n II delightful d time was WIS In iii progress ss Many went In and pronounced tho the splendid In ad nd addition to 10 tho the ell of the bl bin big com coin Institution It seamed Boomed ns us though everyone had hail their friends along tho tue result being that there wan ns a n very vcr largo crowd crowl of at Salt In attendance S nt at last heat night the tho Salt Snit Lake Sunday school party part that had bc lied n piloted 1 to Antelope Island luring during the da ha by h Captain D L I anti J Io oy Davis Dals I to Siti after I a IL most pleasant to and nud about White Hock bay ba The Tho party part numbered 31 ii 11 persona including tho thue rite Tho having hail hul n a 1 thoroughly enjoyable tile life Tho Iho entire titan was spent on tho ho boat which wa With Willi covered with n ii 1 canopy that sheltered nil all from the tho rays of or the tho sill nun A delicious luncheon on was Willi served on board and delightful music added much to 10 the hue pleasure of the occasion Among the tho passengers were vero Mr Ir and Mrs C U 11 B 1 Felt l Mr Ir and Mis W C CHurton Burton Hurton Mr and Mrs Will C C Wallace Mr and Mrs MrA Alvin A the tho Iva Amy Bowman Dora Dorn Bowman Ida Ido David Dav JennIe Davis Clara Clan Holmes Ada Mc Me D I M 11 McAllister Thomas J Howell A C Reese Heese Matthew A Ml Mit II ler nail B E F |