Show ANKS K VIE Advised of Ills Ilk 11 Nomination by hy Committee of the tho Convention f r nt r Fairbanks Th rh is tilh 1 now waits walts alts j I u ti aus ivi id by hI the national con eon ol t n or of UG tho held h lt 1 11 tl L m hi ai o n in 11 June Juno anti Its Is in IA to I n ilij ou of your to as th it for fol jv 1 th f of oC MC II of tho the Unit Uni t II I at f fr r the thc tara term to begin b on en the thio ia flay day of March 1805 ve 0 gl C 1 u formal notice of or that H on n assurance of the un tin Ild tj and ald hearty heart support of tho the great U MI i t has executed execute eX eule the tho peoples 11 In th R of this country tor nr Ito b betle ter Pars lart of tl the last at l halt alt altA In A Th nomination no ni naton conns to jou jouRn 30 Rn anu u w wih h the thc best Ul fl la ot of r Ire govern ovorn ri ni i gover Sit I t was the result at ot lo long M and by th ot o Ul the Convention It ha es ton I nOI the product of nn an ex cx led hoi hOUI and an It ll tta waa isas ni not t upon this the theu thet th of o an nay powerful or oth u the th rot lot mide t or the tho Jel H It was Wl rt for f th Purpose of wib m mal mai onh nt nb nt Hl or it r Of the th rampe rain IP un fund ot o the party No bar or Int iu HUle l to It No NoC luns of tile le truth of el f or r C th the r n end en Opinions en at to Wm our about vere necessary nr to it It 18 Ih e l fUes fr ii B nt JUll of or O the Iho ibis dele eVery state territory as their judgment A OFFICE O FIC tiled Clued I it I Is I a John Jh Irl gr at ofle C Ii ii which you OU nr are fe leL Adams 81 anil Tl Thomas 8 Jf Toe C ln Calhoun alt anI norgo and Joll John tany lisny o IU ina Marln Martin Van Vali Baron oth 1 are trl I ha th MM or lu of at our out outu county have fie ind I it u H 11 is 18 a H un an mcc ot of hIgh dignity lie Th h WI Import I remt Onti honor or Of f our a are r c In iii II the tue and of at the tho man ninn who I Ocr Orr th the lonato of nt the o anti ant august body You aro already so 0 deed tt tr 0 HO so o n a expel mum mom IR H anA VE nut Hit the tha has bias oilier 1 of grave 1 1 rl rhet ct a under our rn I f mm lcm m ct th thi thy y do Jo not merely ne se nel f th lr man an for the tho l DOce they h r KIM give to 10 controlling s timid ai the f ld of lice Ct 1 of or which tIme tho it na uS a n part Is he bound Loun to give effect elect to lo these o principles arid policies I The Tho ho primary duty uty of ot tho the Vice Meo ko president to lo bo ho 10 always to lo take lake up the Ihu bur burden lur don den of time Hie presidency If it occasion re ro requires r quires with It ht Iho tho duty to bu bo L alway ready rency to continue unbroken tho tim policies which tho ho t people have hove e cut ed oil ec to tl the tho administration tar for execution For time the duo hue performance of thus this duty dilt the tho Ico president should ho bo familiar motile with the conduct of affairs by thu tho ad administration nt ministration ns as It ht a I hurt purt of or c It Imbued with lh a n knowl knowledge I edge of Its Its ls perplexities an Us Its motives Is that cnn can como coma only from from Intimate Il mole n and and an sympathy Too lOo often of ton It has hll happened that excited contents Cor f or r time the hires pres presidential re nomination the Iho candidate for Cor to vice has hiI been heen selected s tho the defeated faction action for fur the purpose of 0 appeasing g their resentment resell t bell t and ld that thai after n Li ft cc r election cllon elect ion ho has remained I on I ago In ho spirit and o n nil anger to t II whom ishon the tho counsels of time the president he lie may bo be called upon Ullon to succeed Happily we wo mo inc now In iii II no Huch luch case cano 10 10 Tho rho Ily people would fain see s o again such Ruch relations of sympathy and loyal 1011 help hel for the tho public good as lS existed between President anti and VIe Vice President Hobart an tho the personal re to relations rela lations la between I een t tOI el and jour our mutual esteem aft nl understanding assume ui WI tim that good UI these happy conditions will wi como come agail after the Iho Ith Hh of or next March We Wo count coUn upon your wisdom and ali experience an loyal 1001 aid alt ns nil nn 00 element clement of at ever present presen strength In n tho the coming coining administration HIS JUS IS m tho time of o othe As to 10 tho the vice Ico presidency In ha 11 case enle of ulon slon to the tho presidency wo we shall shul all al 11 than thai pray pra and nut no io one ole more moro earnestly earnesty yourself that It mil mit not lot come collie to you YOI Hut ut We wo are not at nt hilton to UI the tho Jut possibility that It may come Bad Badami Bal Ia anti ant bitter experience us Ill 11 that biter provision for succession to 10 the tho presidency Is no ho kIlo hlo form Corm Otto Of Ot the tho last 12 2 presidents elected el eted by b the tIle people of 01 the United live Iv nearly have tiled died In and have havo suc succeeded c clec by b vice I olce A serious obligation restS upon tho the political par be ho between ties which select the tho candidates tween lel whom the people must choose to tolice see lice to 10 It that thoy nominate men fox for SIO this thin possible succession who have the tho strength of body hody and nm mind nod ald char character actor acter which shall enable them If It occa occasion sion Ilon comes to take tako tn ko up UI tile burdens nt oh tho the great Erel presidential allies olce to endure Its trying and auth demands to meet I Its his great nl d and mEet with Il linn rm hand and clear vidon to toI wih I I the go eminent of the tho county un tin until lint til the tue people can cnn express their choice again t I in or OF DEMOCRATS DI Our opponents of the Democratic par var party ty t has have i signally failed to perform thus duty They havo have nominated d ns their th lr candidate for the tho vIce Uco Ico presidency 1 cy ry an aft excellent gentleman who timo was tas al born during the of ot James Jamas Monroe hor unit who ho before borore the tho of ot Maich Monoe next will wi bo be In ho tho the year car of his ii age tile thu next administration Is ended le he ho will wi bu ho approaching his of birthday It ft I Is no 00 disparagement this gentleman for foi whom I believe beleve we nil have tho the highest t respect to lo say any Iny that ho he ni shares the tho common lot or of mortals hid and that the tho election electon of any man of Huoh mi 01 great age OKe would furnish no ne safe to the tue American people against tho Limo disaster which would o ld entitle upon tho the death of oC a I president with a it suc BUC successor tho the cessor not competent to perform duties of the presidential It I U Is common experience exp that thuit very cry ery lined aged gen gon el however howler bright and actIve they thoy teren may appear for tor periods cannot long lon continued severe exertion exert The rite demands 8 o 0 fhe tIm upon Th the tho mental nail and physical vitality laly ire arc so 80 great so AO continuous and so ex ox exhausting rent ns as to be he Je wholly holy beyond tho the capacity of any ammy man mon of 85 8 DAVIS IS TOO OLD Tho The attempt by such uch a I man to 10 perform tho lie duties of the thc chIco would with wih pate practical lent certainty bo IJO speedily followed by bya byL byI a L breakdown both of body hod hId and of I it mind In III n contemplating the bite remote possibility Of f tho election of tim tho Demo ratio for vice ICe president tho the People of the tho country are bound to con colt col also niso Ilso as a nC ellry result ot of IS such an nil election J In ill colic cane of ot thc tho presidents rosh Ilch 11 dents death d nth that others not chosen by bytho bytho tho lb people nOd wo we know knol not miot who would govern In ho tile the name of a nom nominal nat inal successor unable himself to o vet per perform form oral the tho constitutional duties dutes of his of or worse still HUl that doubt fco whether the sico president hall had not cachet a condition of ot Inability with within in ml tho the meaning of ot tho the Constitution would throw tho the title of the of or president Into Inlo dispute A CONTINGENCY The p effect of such Ilch an In event upon ullon tho the government and upon tho thu business Interests Iov and general welfare w and tho the serious effect of ot t tho the country an oen of the continual menace of such an in event bo be apparent to every evor thoughtful mind mimI CANDIDATE IS Ith ALL 1 HIGHT manT manTIn In your election on tho the other hand ban this chief retirement will wi bo be fully tuly met metIn middle life OU In mt tho tue full strength of Ifo you Cul the exhausting duties for tor ire are prepared Your successful and of ot it tho the distinguished presidency career tho the ability and nm alit probity with which you have already discharged the duties of f high omee the universal respect dutes and am esteem of ot the tho people of Indiana who vho have hae delighted of hosts the tho attachment to 0 honor you OU thO ot of it friends throughout UL the tIme assure us its that lint yon on OLl have havo the character and thin the ability to govern wisely and nn strongly should you YOI become president nl at our people have Indeed among Many dany ready toward you OU aH as ni a I suitable to that candidate to bo be elected directly great reut cube OF IiI HIS IR PART PARTY PARTI H It Is tho the earnest wish of your party nd I of ot ninny litanY good citizens who have no 10 p party you yell YOI shall accept party arty this hits nomination third you yott 0 shall be bo vice elected In ho November to 10 bo ho the next lext of tho the United States In ex expressing pressing II to you thus this wish wo to 0 beg to personal add 11 an nn of our own l respect esteem amid loyalty Senator Fairbanks was wal Riven nn an ova ton ion tin as ni ho hia arose to accept the tho nomina nomination loll tion tou Ho He 0 said |