Show QUITS Became I 1 am Rm a 1 railroad man InAn II said George GIorgi Could Gouid railroad 11 t happenings and Incidents Interest me mil My include friend trl nd avar of St this thill luring bring me 1111 whatever odd news new they th y conic oom upon Thus Thu I t heart heard the other day of ot a II good re reo It wema sec nus that at nt n a 1 lIn eta sta station I Ion tion n II train was wan starting off ort one morn mornIng mornIng Ing fag when an on elderly man noun rushed i across arosa the platform and lumped Jumped On ono one of oC th hi rare rAn Tho The rear who was ices standing by i reached cached up 1111 grabbed Iho tho old mans nuns coat coal and pulled milled him oft eft tho the thor train r ln There ther he Ine wild sternly I have cored your lira life Dont over ever try Iry to In lump jump on an like ilkI that again I Thank Tho Ilk you ou sold said the t p old ohl man calmly Thank you for tor your our thought thoughtful fun ful kindess It Is 11 three hours tilt till the next train Ira IU It Three Thre mid and a quarter said Iho ho brakeman This The long train meanwhile had loon boon slowly gilding by slowly gathering speed sl cd Finally the lat last car appeared This ThiN was the tho car the ono for tor which he ho had hind been waiting uniting mid and d H u it lh the easy grace that In born of or orIng lung hang practise he hI stalled nailed onto ante It Hut nul the tho old gentleman seized hIm by the tho cont with the t a u 1 strong jock Jerk pulled him oft of nt Iho tho same name time limo saying grimly Ono One Rood good oo turn deserves another nother nu gaved saied my any life lite I have havo saved yours Now wo we are lire quits u |