Show RETURNED MISSIONARIES J lder T A W V Head ot of Hooper Weber county returned last hilt May from trout fall till nil forum where he lie Imd listi been laborIng h In Inthe tho the of ot and austi IU Los 1011 Angeles since April 9 1002 1902 He lie found lh the people of lit the state Indifferent ent Int at to religion reUlon rehi ion but the Elders urn sire la lIt boring fait to bring the tho seed ced of or lunel Irnel Into Inlo the fold told foldI I Jo Joe T F of ot AlpIne City utah county wn VON set Mt apart June 9 1903 and tint July 17 11 from a n brief brier mis mission sion In the tho Southern States State Tho The Gear Geor Georgia gin gia conference his field fI hl of ot labor which ho reports In III line condition Ho returns sooner than usual on account I of or sickness Levi 1911 Vomit of or Salt Lake Take Lakeit it It who was set apart July 0 1001 1901 re ro returned turned turnell July 17 from front a n successful mis mission ml sion lion In ny and Switzerland In Tn May Mil 1902 hi ltd was wan called to preside over siver the th SwIss mission which Is In a n Hour flour lulling condition Jenies Jame W V Sliver Silver of ot Cannon CAllnon ward Salt Emit City CItE It returned July 23 from labors In tho tim Now Noi No Zoo Xon land mission to fo t ho he was WIlS assign assigned ed Feb Fel J eh 1 1901 Tho lio ho conferences of or Canterbury and o wore serO pre hi hsI fields of or work worl Ho Ito labored th the Maori people of ot the tho ho tile dis district tho the first l two years yearn orN and the thie rn re of ot hl his mIssIon was vais spent among tite tha Routh Bouth Island Maoris Ho lie reports the tho mission In hi n a prosperous condition 1 lIler Hubert U D of at county cOUII was set et apart July Jul 1 1901 anti and returned July Jul LC 2 6 front from the I The Queensland conference ivan his field of ot operatIon over which he hI presided October 1001 1901 rIta Tho conference Is IH In a splendid condition anti the th work vork of t f the Lord I certainly spreading very ery nicely In that locality There tire are two branch orgas bus anil a nd Stud and andover RIll over oler arc aro enrolled on rolled In ha the school The are arp doIng n a Rood good work lork Slater SIster Duckworth Is the first and only lady buy missionary In Australia Sho Situ Is III doing A n great anti and good oo work In allaying prejudice anti and correcting or Jr Ideas the wonton women nf of 1 Utah rite Tho people of ot Australia Au as a It general thing thinA sire ort very ery fair rail and hospit hospitable able to the from Zion Ulder r John P Stevens of or Summit county count was wall set ret et apart July Jul 20 21 1901 and returned July Jul 20 29 front from the Ito theu Australian u mIsSIon ml lon TIm Tho ho conference of oC AustralIa was waR his hili field over aver which he hI presided tho the groat er part of or the time He lie stays pays n 11 tho the work tork In Itt Australia wn never In a n more bore flourishing condition Elder Hyrum A Andersen of ot Lehl I hl Utah halt tah county returned return tl July 28 train from the tho mission whither ho hi win in sent nt Jam 2 1902 The conferences of ot Norway and ani Aalborg Den Denmark Denmark mark WHO were his ils fields of ot labor In both hoth bothof of ot which he ht says 11 the work of or the Lord LordIs Is hs progressIng very nicely and 1 and Paints orf nrc ns nut n a rule title very much encouraged l God Through keeping these com cola commandments we can cnn also d pen upon the of at thu promIses pertaInIng future If It we lire to have n a of the tho glorious things thing spoken of or toddy It will be through at ut attending attending tending to the duties and responsibilities ties tIeM that rest r t upon u us UH as all members of at atthe the tite Church of jt Jests Christ of ot Latter LaUer day dey Stints We Wo must lIve IIvo In the pres pros present present ent eat anti and attend to our duties ns as are ur known to u us UH It Ie we are to thi th approval of or our ott Father In Heaven an It If vo we desire to make our ceIlIng and all election SUMO ClOd Goll has hns pointed out the tho way n whereby make our aur calling and election sure eure rhola rho hn in nr mr not of ot us 18 to I think th lik that thiat I It Is u a I to lp tenets tench that we should honor the tito u liB its spoken of ot by souse somo of or the brethren today that we should be lie careful not to lIlt lift up tip our voices In Iii crItIcism of or the authority of at dm Coil slid and that those thai a Is III danger In pursuing a course of at this tills character chol t r It seems to tome me Inc In my anti sisters r that we wo ought night to understand that If It God Almighty hits has spoken from tint tIis V hns clothed dot hell men sliest with ills His authority them to that authorIty In lit tho the midst of ot the hIts peoples of tit the tite oarth He lie will ex cx x the peoples of ot St tho the earth to reo recognize nize flize und tutu honor that authority and especially this of ot Ills HIli Saints who ho have a 1 knowledge of lit the truth That Is III a n part of ot this re responsIbIlIty line hns come conic to us through tho Gas Clos IKI While we do 10 not belIeve wo sia 0 should worship mon men or that there thero Is any asty anything thing In tho tile Gospel that requires any allY mon man film or woman to give undue or or II reverence to any gny man unan wo We do bo boo Move tho the Gospel requires that every soul sets shall shull the tilo authority GosI has hns mill situ that they shall shah follow that That ha has hns al always alas ways as beN been the thie caio in Iii every Pry n OO age e of ot the world hiss luul Ills authority upon tho ho Ito earth ho he hns lias de ue demanded this of or tho Iso people and lIe He Imi abundantly blessed bleld those who havo have to Ills His counsel and who been beon true truo to His ills representatives My Iy brethren n and sisters let us tie tik warning from frosa thu the words that hove have been heen cen spoken en Wo n should remember that hut he tise mission of at the Church of at Je 13 Christ of ot Saints Is ha nl oh tn has hilI l bean eon enro on earth and 1 will to man limn ns nil stated by hy ono one lit of f tho the First PresIdency this title morning It t Is the tho mission of ot title thin great reat I lot lIot the th few men who are abroad In Inthe inthe the he world preaching the tho Ito Gospel nor t the few men who compose composo tho tIto Council of ot tho the Twelve nor ony ther ether organIzatIon of or the Priesthood atone allne It t In Is I the thC mission of or the entire p that lint their the r lives their conversation and example lat to tl all the world 1011 WI VP 1 love hove Wo Vo have received the lie message of or truth and ant It Jt Is III our miR mis mission BlaSt sion to bear beer record to tho Ito divine will of at our In III heaven hll n and preach ho tho Gospel that hint nun mon may bo ho saved Our Father l revealed In tho the very begin flIng nf ot this title work as nl men became nn louM to know the will of ot Gosh Clod con can themselves lv that the tile most mot Im Ins thing thin men could do was wall to cry to the people to teach the doctrines nf or the Gospel and that If It they hey labored t through brought their entire lives JIves wd anti saved l hrit ut one auto soul groat should bo o their reward and their Joy in th kingdom of or our ur Father I Wo We steed need n 11 to Solve fouls souls at howie we Wl need to bo be do doIn tb In lag tK things to tt be laboring diligently that lint our otis may mar be b clear and lint WI iio o may otay he b d It Is III written In Inthe hp the th revelations that lint we WI are aro not to wait valt waito to o bo he commanded In nil things Some Sonto times Imos we WI appear to think that the tho BIshop or sortie some other authority should labor for us rind tind that wo vo or not to do tb anything unless we ve are arc In Intruded Instructed I or 01 appointed to do ft 01 I hUll ins wild sold h It II l 3 given ghen to mull mini by hy his hili I 0 01 wn n a agency ogency to seek to bring to pass paR mien r of or his own voll volI I lon and tutu of or bIn hlo own will without com cont from any source and an h It hI thirst to be he commanded In all thIngs Is IB a tt slothful and Ind nn on unwise stward stoward Now wo iso need to bo 10 doing the things that have been beit suggested to ui US today anti nn the things that will bo be suggested In ha n the tho counsels that may be Imparted to us tie In other meetings By fly doing doln so vo vii shall be bl b established In the everlastIng Gospel Oo pel l sad no experiences nn ln c over eer come como to us UH then that will vIlh vrest us its trout from tho the foundation upon which wo we stand If r wo we stand upon tho tIme foundation of or obedience to the tho things of God 00 we wo will always see the light and rejoice therein Thero will be bo no fear fearn oar oarIn In n our SpIrIt of or the Lord wIlt will bo hl with Ith us end the tho Spirit of ot the ho Lord J out all nil fear In 1 God Goti 00 you my brethren and sisters and may power poster bo he given unto us tp be beruo truo ruo anti faithful to our covenants and ando nd to o each rh other and to our Father I in heavers Is III my toy prayer through Jesus Christ Amen |