Show I FIRST PAGE OF THANKSGIVING BARGAINS I r M D J ii OnBy k over Leaf Butter pound C Corder K order r er your Cr Cream am for Thanksgiving Day NOW Leaf Le DaRry WEST 1ST SOUTH BE THANKFUL 1 Walker Electric Has W Portable Electric Sewing Machines r C i l at t S to 75 Portable Sewing Machine About half the regular price Nearly Any Make Terms Make Terms If You Want WALKER ELECTRIC STATE STREET WAS 1 You aYou i You need a good Electric Washer We have them n r iT L I t The iThe Smart Hostess Everywhere Everywhere- is is now serving Orange Pekoe to her guests It Itis Ity y is the vogue at social functions you will enjoy Mw fir within the rich te E The fust Of KG Baking Powder i than of higher 1 i priced brands- brands it goes farther a S tA SAME PRICE I L for more than 30 years j II I I 25 K Ounces for fog 25 Eft 1 i r I 0 Millions of pounds bought by the gov gov- Quality A 0 the best t WHY PAY WAR PRICES r The pleasure of drinking one cup of 1 HILLS BROS RED CAN COFFEE is greater than could be supplied by many cups of ordinary coffee cores r I t t i ii i GJ j FIT FOR FORI FORA I A KING KINGI Supreme In Flavor In glass to make the flavor last lait I c h I AT YOUR GROCER Q P A I U UTAH A GROCERY I II I 15 lbs Ibs Sugar I Guaranteed Creamery I Butter 40 9 tall cans cans Milk I I 4 lbs Ibs Pure Lard 50 SO 2 cans Pumpkin 0 25 t 2 irP largo Seeded or Seedless I II I Raisins 45 2 oz Currants I Fancy Lemon Peel lb I Fancy Fanc Citron Peel lb lb o o I I 5 lbs Fancy nice ice or 01 Navy Beans High v- v Patent Flour lour cwt 2 lbs Ibs No 1 Soft Shell Walnuts 3 Fancy Almond Nuts lb I cans Country Gentleman Corn Com 2 ron cans Iowa Sugar Corn C cans S Sweet le June 3 mt Peas cans n Sifted E. E J J. J Peas 3 cans Ripe Olives Small Celery bunch Ic 3 Ibs lbs Crisco 6 lbs Ibs Cri Crisco 4 15 1 9 lbs Ibs Crisco C. C 1 65 lbs Ibs 8 lbs IDS Cotto- Cotto lene Pure Sorghum t n gal esc Gal 2 large cans can Pineapple 2 2 large Sticks Celer Celery Dromedary Dates Jello e o. o all flavors lOc 2 KingSford's s Corn Libby T hv s a Mince Meat lb Starch c 3 None one Such Mince Meat SOc Our Stores Close at 7 p p. p m m. m Wednesday Store No 1 1 E. E 2nd South St Store No 2 So and State St It I k 1 CAPTOLO BROS I IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC GROCERIES For 1 Thanksgiving Needs Need We Ve Offer i You Vou New Suggestions i Tr Try Our New Italian Hal Chestnut Dressing for Your And Call Thanks f All Morn Morn- Day r In g J for r Tomor Tomer f Chest row r nut Right ff Quick A Good f RICE DELIVERY DUALITY Mal Make e our store your Our headquarters for needs Just In new stock domestic and fancy Imported goods g Try our ravioli made In n a a. clean ry factory Dont Don't forget our chestnut dressing dressing- Just One Block Bleck From Broadway New Grand Hotel 7 E E. E South Was FOLSOM S Self Help Grocery 9 cans Milk any kind Jiffy Jell 2 for for 1 13 10 Ibs lbs Sugar for Crackers large small So Soda a. a Crackers In cues from 3 2 to toS toS S 8 pounds lb Graham Crackers In cues from 4 to 9 pounds lb Toilet Paper 6 rolls roUs for tor Dutch Cleanser can Jell O Jell O any flavor l 2 for 10 lO box Spaghetti Pork and Beans Deans can Catsup 2 largo large bottles for tor I Coffee Coerce whole or ground lb tb Tall cans Salmon lOc l I Oc lOc Broom for Vinegar Ammonia or Bluing botI bottlo bot- bot I Un 90 90 National Corn Flakes 2 fO for foci String Beans or 01 yeas Peas 2 w t for 1 Bulk Hulk Cocoa 2 lbs Ihs Corn Com S Syrup up 29 s s iH lOs n PInt tnt nt jars Molasses by Walnuts 2 Ibs lbs Tarn Tam m. m any lava flavo- can Su Sugar ar Corn can I Large arge Cans cana Tomatoes Creamery Butter Dutter New stock Almonds 2 Ib Iba Peanut Dutt Butter r bring jar 2 Ibs Cooking Figs Fles new stock 2 lbs Ibs Citron per lb Oysters can 6 cans Deviled Meat Pacific Nut Butter Borax Washing Compound Du Duck l Soap 10 bars for I Shrimps can 12 Royal noyal Baking BaIting Powder Orange and I Lemon Iemon emon Peel lb Seeded OP Cs- Seedless RaIsins Pineapple No o. o 2 2 5 size Lipton's Tea lb tb Oil 0 O Palm Soap 50 These Th o are only a few of our everyday prices EAST SECOND SOUTH ST. ST TELEGRAM WANT lADS ADS GET TS m n nn nun l. l I Thanksgiving Thank I I Dinner u lies j V J i ir Illy od 0 r alls D I r Q O r. n GJ i t 11 it L more mote than II a of i when lIn tea 1811 i JL know kno 7 tau u are ue i r n f oda which are aN not Dot la ta i jl l a aad tt T r. r That hat t U le I why 0 rae one too JOB hue hare tried 1 j rt dorB Bacon Bann we bellere e you will 1 tasks kiak e W It a ia on your lour menu Every family whose Se Selected c handled D and prepared with rip t t tho tc li Thanksgiving DinI Dinner Din- Din I dE 1 I be-I lot Lul careful respect your tour own mother te toward tko Ue a 1 i ii Ij Ih ahe he ter for tile tie teta ta family tb Ita i n ner er comes comes f from rom this th- IS store will have ample quality li le reflected In lD n It Its 11 appearance when lIn L j cooked Its it it tic rich aroma and aDd darer f for 0 HH I reason or being thankful f for or each item I Write Writ us for tor n II free fees copy ef t Wit as Mod Meat Cookery II Ii a address and aDd Ic k Co De Dept t. t MB Ha Chian d filet 1st Strict i 1 i ii H 1 VI will OIl b be e o a of f t th the h e f. f finest Ines t quality 1 t y possible to o 11 procure 1 I Smoot-Nibley Smoot Distributing Co SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY i WEST FIRST SOUTH ONLY ti yi R Salt Lake Lako City Utah 80 90 80 90 1 Extra tar Large ge G Green reen Oli Olives v per qt 0 0 0 SO 50 Guaranteed the he Best Belt Olives In the City j 1 1 MINCEMEAT LB 0 0 0 25 S h i m mm I I ROAST TURKEYS AND CHICKENS j CRANBERRY SAUCE AND PUDDINGS d II I i OPEN THANKSGIVING H ii j I All Day and Every Day in in the Year Until 12 Midnight I 11 P Package ac k a g e Grocery G I I and Delicatessen I o B v State and Second South Street I m nn mn u MW J i 4 1 t t cr 4 hr h w F r I r r h T 2 s 4 rL f ti T t 1 h s- s r N HE BOSTON TEA PARTY A handful of daring Americans in the THE guise of Indians Indians apparently apparently merrymakers rs but in reality history makers demonstrating the tk spiritual growth of the nations nation's pioneers pioneers first t c outburst of democracy the democracy the earl early flush of the dawn of American freedom 1 G IVE THANKS THIS HP HIS is the anniversary of Thanksgiving Day Three hundred years ago 1 the colonists of Plymouth Plymouth bent their knees in so solemn e than thanks s for pr preservation preservation er amidst the dangers of savage e surroundings J Trials make nake nations no less than than ine men Those vh who faced adversity with I courage courage and and fortitude de gave birth birth to a nation that v r stands in the for forefront front I of civilization 4 J g ghe The he vicissitudes of y are as s nothing g comp compared r t J tb to th the ha hazards I and hardships hardships hard hard- ships of those sturdy pioneers I ft if iLet i- i M Mt f i t Let us us' us show w the fervent gratitude tude of happier fi d days ys and better opportunities i s. s oN Butt r K Baking Baki Co Makers Makers of of the Fam us Maid American Betsy Ross and Butter st t Brands t r of Bread also Butter Krust Pound Cake Plain and Raisin made from the highest ingredients I m tl 7 7 r ro i 7 17 l' l r ty r rt Hl |