Show BROW J W il CLAIMS OLDEST r i Grad I Man 99 Y Years s ca-s of Age Graduated Graduated Grad Grad- r in in 1842 R R. R- R i I. I NOV N 22 Down Down C own ty lays claim to having the the- oldest s gamin graduate ate of any American college coneg John Hunt of Springfield 0 O 89 99 years od old on October r 17 was gradated graduated grad grad- dated rr m Crown Brown in nearly two c before Civil w war ar began H He was was- as born in Lowell vell Mass During his undergraduate course at Drown which then consisted sted of f four ur I buildings tu was was 21 a term and I board 1 25 a week w v ek elt He lie has been pastor pas pas- pastor pas pas-I tor of eight different Baptist churches five fite In New Hampshire on one in Vermont Vermont Vermont Ver Ver- mont one in Massachusetts 1 and one In Ohio lie He was married twice and had one son lIe He has survived his entire family John Hunt is In good health mentally and physically He attributed his great age to to to heredity His mother lived to be well over a century old and I he expects to duplicate this record I |